Google Apps Integration (Pro)

Version 855.1 by Administrator on 2021/03/05 00:02

Google Apps Integration (Pro)

Log in to XWiki using your Google account. Import Google Apps documents as attachments. Edit XWiki attachments in Google Apps. The app can be purchased individually or part of the XWiki Pro package. Try it free.

Active Installs44
0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
Minimal XWiki version supportedXWiki 8.4
Table of contents

The Google Apps Integration allows you to integrate XWiki with Google's editing application (Google Docs, Spreadsheet, Presentations and Drawing). Thanks to this application it is possible to:

  • log in to XWiki using your Google account
  • easily import a Google Apps document as an attachment in XWiki (in multiple formats)
  • launch editing of an XWiki attachment in Google Apps. Once the editing session is finished you can reimport it in XWiki.

This integration uses the OAuth2 protocol to connect Google Apps with XWiki. It works with individual Google accounts as well as company wide Google Apps accounts.

To activate Google Apps you need to register for OAuth access on and insert your domain name and key in the settings from the XWki Administration. To see how you can register for OAuth access please read the dedicated section in the Installation instructions.

Once you have properly configured the application, you will be able to log in with your Google credentials and see the feature in the Attachments section of XWiki pages. You can either click on the edit link next to each attachment or use the Import from Google Apps button.



You can also use the drive macro to insert (embed) a Google Document in your page.



External Resources


How to insert the "Google Drive Macro"?

  • Create a new wiki page
  • Click on "+" > "Other Macros" on the editor bar
  • Search for "drive"
  • Select the "Google Drive Macro" and click "Submit" (no settings filled in)
  • Click to "Save and View" the wiki page
  • Next, you can click on "embed this document" and the selected document will be embedded inside the current page

How to sync the XWiki profile with the Google Account information?

On the Administration section, the "Permissions to request" options allow the user to specify which information will be copied from the Google Account to the XWiki profile upon login.

For the example below the first name, last name, email and user image were imported from the Google Account.

How to embed a document using the drive macro?

Once you have added the {{drive/}} macro to the wiki pages, you can search for the document to embed inside the Drive:

Upon click on the link "embed this document" the selected document will be included on the page.

How to import a document?

The "Import from Google Apps" feature is available on the "Attachments" tab.

The user can search for the document inside his drive.

Upon click on the desired format. the document will be added as an attachment to the page. PDF in the selected format in the example below.

How to restrict the domain of the users allowed to login to the Wiki?

On the Google Apps Integration Configuration section the domain of the users allowed to login can be restricted by filling in the field XWiki Login Behaviour>Domain. For example, when using only emails like will be allowed.

Users outside the domain will be informed as below:

Limitation: The app does not work if you "Prevent unregistered users from viewing pages, regardless of the page rights"

Checking the global-rights checkbox "Prevent unregistered users from viewing pages, regardless of the page rights" prevents Google Apps Login from working.

We recommend only preventing the access to guests as a workaround until the issue is fixed.

The following screenshots display the "Global Administration: Rights" indicate for both:

  • Users - this is where the access to Unregistered Users needs to be denied, as seen below. The checkbox "Prevent unregistered users from viewing pages, regardless of the page rights" will not be checked.
  • Groups

Installation Steps

This paid extensions requires XWiki 8.4 or above. In order to install the extension, follow the next steps inside your XWiki instance (on cloud or on premise).

Navigate to the Extension Manager

In the Applications Panel click on "More Applications..." and then "Install new applications...". Alternatively navigate directly to the Administration and select the "Extensions" section.


Install the Extension

Search for the extension you wish to install and use the Install button to install it.


Get a License

Navigate to the "Licenses" section of the Administration, fill your details, look for the extension you just installed in the live table and click the buttons to get a trial license or to buy a license.


Install the License

If you have selected a trial license then you're good and there's nothing else to do. Your trial license is automatically installed.

However if you've selected to buy a license you'll be redirected to a page to perform the payment. At the end you need to come back to the "Licenses" administration section and click on the "Check for Updates" button. This will download and apply the license you bought.

Use the Extension

Start using the Extension! Refer to the extension's documentation to know how to use it.

Installing Paid Apps on Subwikis

If you want to install an application on the whole farm (main wiki + subwikis), you can do so directly from the main wiki’s Extension Manager, as seen below:


Extensions can also be installed only on a particular subwiki by global admins. Subwiki admins will not be able to install these extensions due to their limited rights.

Register for OAuth access

Create a Google project for your app

Go to (see also Create a Google project for your app as shown below:


Enable the People API

Moving forward, you will need to Enable the Google People API. This API is needed to access the Google account information. To enable it go back to the dashboard and click on ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES, search for Google People API and click ENABLE


Enable the Google Drive API

This API is needed to access Google documents. Similarly, to enable it go back to the dashboard and click on ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES, search for Google Drive API and click ENABLE


Generate the Google Client ID and Secret

In order to start using the integration, the Google Client ID and Secret will need to be generated and added to the Google Apps Configuration page.

Open the project and go to Credentials > OAuth consent screen


Set up the OAuth client inside the Google project by filling in the following fields:

  • Application name
  • Authorized domains
  • Application Homepage link
  • Application Privacy Policy link


Note Google does not accept localhost for these fields. This tutorial uses the alias Depending on your OS you will need to also update the hosts file to which you should add the following IP/Alias pair: your IP   your Application Homepage link (e.g.

After setting up the OAuth client go back to Credentials and click on Create credentials > Create OAuth client ID.


Select "Web Application" and fill in the name and the Authorized redirect URI. The Authorized redirect URI needs to end with GoogleApps/Oauth. Make sure you hit enter after filling in the Authorized redirect URI, otherwise the value will not be saved. Then click the Create button. 


A popup will appear with the Client ID and Client Secret. 


Next you will need to update the Client ID  and Secret inside the XWiki Administration from the Google Apps Integration Configuration section.


Activate the Google Authentication

Finally, to activate the Groovy Authentication you need to update the following settings in the xwiki.cfg file (webapps > xwiki > WEB-INF) and restart the wiki:


If you are an XWiki Cloud user you do not have direct access to this file. You will need to contact the XWiki Support team to perform this change for you.

Warning: If you have the Active Directory Application installed, the Google Apps integration will not work. The reason is that this application overwrites the configured authenticator. To try out the Google Apps integration you will need to uninstall the "Active Directory Authenticator" extension. Note that uninstalling only the "Active Directory Application" is not enough because the authenticator is a dependency of the application and the Extension Manager doesn't uninstall the dependencies when you uninstall the application. You may also need to clear the cookies associated to the domain used by your XWiki instance, then try again to sign in with Google.


The price is per year and varies depending on the support level and the number of users.

Support / Users 10 25 50 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000 10000 20000
Google Apps Integration (Pro) is part of the XWiki Pro package. Purchasing this package you will benefit from more extensions at a better price. Check the full offer in XWiki Pro! The Google Apps Integration (Pro) can be purchased individually only via online order (credit card payment), following the “How to Buy” procedure described below. The application is part of the XWiki Pro package, which can be purchased through manual order (bank transfer payment) by contacting


What do you get when you purchase an XWiki extension?

1 year license

By purchasing an XWiki extension license, you'll benefit from it during one year.

Free updates

You benefit from all the extension updates during one year. You are always up to date.

Support included

If you are facing an issue, you can reach the XWiki support. Our team is always available to help.

How to Buy

To buy, install this extension from inside your XWiki instance and follow the instructions.

Release notes


Bugs fixed:

#58 Authentification fails when photo has a name too long
#56 Google login branding
#55 `doc` files are not supported to sync with GoogleApps
#23 Buttons with FR or DE language aren't appearing correctly


Bugs fixed:
#52: Typos.


Bugs fixed:
#48 Opening links from TestDocumentList display an error.
#50 Cannot login with Google anymore.
#51 GData cannot be used to download anymore.

#53 Settings page should only be viewed by admins.


Bugs fixed:
#43 GoogleApps breaks if getURL results to absolute URLs.


Bugs fixed:
#37 Restrict domain for users to login doesn't work.


Bugs fixed:
#33 Legacy People API needs to be activated.


Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.14.3.


Bugs fixed:
#26 Can't install Google Apps.


Bugs fixed:
#16 Can't access any document from the Drive while using a "http" instance.
#22 Google Apps Integration shouldn't appear in Navigation on 8.4.5.

#13 Automatically import user photo from google account.
#18 Incomplete localization.
#19 Warn if the authenticator is not configured.

Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.14.3.

Updated translations:

Unknown macro: language.


Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.13.2.


Bugs fixed:
#4 Fix the google links from the Administration section.
#9 Extension's homepage description contains a broken link to Google Apps admin section.

Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.13.1.


Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.13.


Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.12.2.


Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.12.1.


Improve the message displayed when there is no valid license.
Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.8.


Initial paid version.

Extension details

This information is only displayed to Administrators. Your users can't see this tab.


  • GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1




  • xar

Developed by


  • Requires XWiki 8.4 or above.

Installable with the Extension Manager


  • com.xwiki.licensing:application-licensing-licensor-api 1.14.4
  • 1.23.0
  • v1-rev443-1.23.0
  • v2-rev358-1.23.0
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