Pro Macros

Last modified by Teodor Caras on 2025/02/13 17:38

Pro Macros

Supercharge XWiki’s functionality with Pro Macros. Can be purchased individually or part of the XWiki Pro package. Try them free.

Active Installs0
0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
Minimal XWiki version supportedXWiki 13.10

Macros are how you take XWiki's functionality to the next level. They can be used to:

  • Display content in a more visually appealing manner or highlight important information
  • Embed documents, such as PDF or Office files or display diagrams
  • Show the relations between XWiki pages and improve navigation
  • Display media, such as videos and audio

All Pro Macros are dedicated for formatting content on any XWiki instance, no matter the usecase. For Confluence Migration specific macros please visit our Confluence Migration Toolkit

List of Macros

  • Button
  • Contributors
  • Content Report Table
  • Excerpt
  • Excerpt Include
  • Expand
  • MsStream
  • Panel
  • Profile Picture
  • Status
  • Taglist
  • Team
  • Recently Updated
  • User List
  • User Profile
  • View Files

Inserting a macro

To insert a macro you should edit the page:

  • Type "/" in your editor and type the name of the macro
  • For XWiki versions 14.x and older, click on the "+" icon from the editor
  • Select the macro from the list
  • Fill in the needed parameters
  • Click "Submit"


Editing a macro

Macros can be edited by double clicking on the macro in the visual editor. Alternatively, you can edit the syntax of the macro by going to the page's source. The supported parameters, as well as the syntax, are detailed in the Documentation tab for each macro.


Insert a noticeable, clickable button on your XWiki page to highlight links and create call to actions.


labelThe label of the button.-
urlA link or a page reference.-
colorThe color of the button.White
widthThe width of the button specified in pixels, percentage or other valid CSS value (ex. 30px, 30%, 30em). If no value is specified, the width will be determined by the length of the label.-
newTabDenotes whether the page will be opened in a new page or not.false
iconIcon associated with the button, placed before the label.


{{button label="Store" url=""/}}

{{button label="Store" url="" color="#889cb8"/}}

{{button label="Store" url="" color="#889cb8" newTab="true" icon="page"/}}

{{button label="Store" url="" color="#889cb8" newTab="true" icon="page" width="100%"/}}

Results in 



Contributors macro shows the contributors of a given page based on defined parameters.


  • authors - includes users who edited the page(s).
  • comments - includes people who commented to the page(s)

Several values can be given, separated by commas. Values "labels" and "watches" are not supported in this bridge macro.


Possibles values:

  • count - order by number of contributions
  • name - order contributors by name alphabetically
  • update - order by last contribution date
reverseReversefalsereverse the order specified in the order parameter.
limitLimitno limitShow at most the given number of contributors.

Possible values are:

  • inline - a comma-separated list
  • list - a bullet list.
showCountShow countfalseShow the contribution count for each user.
showLastTimeShow last timefalseShow the last contribution time for each user.
pagePagecurrentThe page for which to list the contributions. If both page and space are empty,  the current page is used.

Space(s) containing the page specified in the page parameter, or the space(s) to search. Several spaces can be specified using commas.

@global and @ALL will search in the whole wiki.

scopeScopespecified page only

Possible values:

  • children - include direct children of the specified pages
  • descendants - include all children of the specified pages
  • (blank) - include only the specified pages
showPagesShow PagesfalseShow the list of pages used to build the list of contributors
noneFoundMessageNone Found Messagedefault message

The message to show when no contributors are found.


{{contributors showCount="true" spaces="Sandbox" scope="descendents" showPages="true" mode="list"/}}

Results in


Content Report Table

This macro provides a content report in a table format based on tags .


labelsThe tags to report on, separated by comma.Yes 
spacesThe space (parent page) names to report on, separated by a comma and a blank space (e.g: "Test, XWiki")No 
maxResultsMaximum Number of results (pages).No20


{{content-report-table maxResults="10" spaces="DEMO" labels="tech,xwiki"/}}

Results in:



The Excerpt macro allows the user to mark part of the page's content for use by other macros. The macro can also be used to hide part of the content of a page.


hiddenIf true, the content of the macro will be hidden.false
nameThe name of the excerpt, for named includes.false
allowUnprivilegedIncludeAllow this excerpt to be seen even for people who don't have view rights on this page when includedfalse



Results in:


Example of hidden excerpt:

{{excerpt hidden="true"}}
My hidden content.

Excerpt Include

The Excerpt Include macro allows the user to include contents from other pages marked by other macros with the Excerpt Macro.


0The page to includeYes


{{excerpt-include 0="Excerpt.WebHome" name="someName"/}}


This macro allows you to insert an expandable section, with a title and content.


 Parameter  Name  Description  Default
 title  Title  Title of the section, displayed when the section is collapsed 
 content  Content  Content visible when the section is expanded  


{{expand title="Expand this section to learn more"}}
In pharetra fermentum est, non dapibus orci congue eget. Curabitur scelerisque dui vitae sagittis aliquam. Etiam tincidunt mattis ultrices. Integer felis magna, sodales sit amet finibus id, efficitur nec nulla. Ut volutpat tellus id bibendum scelerisque. Fusce ut massa nulla. Donec ullamcorper elit vitae metus condimentum, sed varius eros luctus. Etiam elit mi, finibus sed nibh a, facilisis eleifend orci.

Results in:


Microsoft Stream

This macro provides a way for embedding a Microsoft Stream video in a page.


 Parameter  Name  Description  RequiredDefault
urlURLThe URL to the Microsoft Stream video.Yes 
widthWidthThe viewer width. Can be specified either in pixels (for example, 400px) or as a percentage of the available page width (for example, 50%).No500px
heightHeightThe viewer height. Can be specified either in pixels (for example, 400px) or as a percentage of the available page height (for example, 50%).No300px
alignmentAlignmentPosition of the video relatively to its container. Accepted values are left, center and right.No 
startStart AtStart video at a specific time (use HH:MM:SS as time format).No00:00:00
showinfoShow InfoShow the video info on thumbnail.Notrue
autoplayAuto PlayWhether the video should start automatically or if the user must play it.Nofalse
textWrapText WrapWrap text around the video. This applies only to left and right alignment.Notrue


{{msStream url="" width="700px" alignment="right" showinfo="true" start="00:05:04"/}}

Results in:



The Panel macro allows you to display XWiki content inside a visually appealing panel. You can customize its size, colours and border.


 Parameter  Name  Default value  Description
 title  Title  -  If specific a title section is added with the specific text
 bgColor  Background color  -  If specific sets the background color of the content of the panel
 width  Width  -  If specified sets the width of the panel (300px or 50%)
 height  Height  -  If specified sets the width of the panel (300px or 50%)
 classes  CSS classes   -  If specified adds css classes to the panel
 borderColor  Border color white If specified sets the panel border color
 borderStyle  Border style solid  If specified sets the css border style
 borderWidth Border width 1px If specified sets the border width in pixels
 borderRadius Border radius8px 8px 0px 0px If specified replaces the default border radius
 titleBGColor  Title background color  -  If specified sets the title section background color
 titleColor  Title text color  -  If specified sets the title text color


Simple panel

Content of the panel

Results in:


Simple panel with border and size

{{panel borderColor="black" width="50%"}}
Content of the panel

Results in:


Panel with title and colors

{{panel bgColor="#dbf4ff" titleBGColor="#2a8af7" titleColor="#ffffff" width="50%" title="Title of the panel"}}
Content of the panel

Results in:


Panel with title and colors and border

{{panel bgColor="#dbf4ff" borderColor="#2a8af7" titleBGColor="#2a8af7" titleColor="#ffffff" title="Title of the panel"}}
Content of the panel

Results in:


Panel with bootstrap classes

{{panel classes="col-sm-12" bgColor="#dbf4ff" titleBGColor="#2a8af7" titleColor="#ffffff" title="Title of the panel"}}
Content of the panel

Results in:


Profile Picture

Display avatars of the members of a team.


 Parameter  Name  Description
 User  User  The reference to the user.


{{profile-picture User="XWiki.Admin" /}}


The Status macro helps you highlight the status of an item using a colored box. You can customize both the text and the background color. The background can be either lightly colored, or dark, depending on your preference. The macro can be used inside other macros.


 Parameter  Name  Default value  Description
 title  Title The color nameThe text of the status. If not specified, the color name will be displayed (e.g.:"Grey").
 colour  Color GreyThe color of the status (text color and background color). The following colors are available: "Blue", "Green", "Grey", "Purple", "Red" and "Yellow".
 subtle  Subtle FalseThe aspect of the status: either white text on dark color background or dark color text on light color background. It should be filled with "true" or "false".


{{status title="Task"/}}

{{status title="Improvement" colour="Green" subtle="true"/}}



A macro that will show a list with all the tags that are present on your instance.


spacesComma-separated list of spaces that are used to filter the tags.No 
excludedTagsComma-separated list of tag that are excluded from the final output.No 

Example Usage




A macro that displays avatars of the members of a team, filterable by numerous parameters.


 Parameter  Name  Description  Default
 tag Tag Tag that users need to have to be shown  
 users Users Restrict to this list of user names (don't prefix with the wiki identifier)  
 size Size The size (height and width) of an avatar  60
 showUsernames Show Usernames The name of users should be displayed under their avatars  false
 letterAvatarBgColor Letter Avatars Background Color The background color of the letter avatars  #0A6
 letterAvatarFontColor Letter Avatars Font Color The font color of the letter avatars  white
 disableLetterAvatars Disable Letter Avatars Don't use letter avatars and display a default avatar instead  false
 requireExternalAuth Require External AuthThe user should be searched in LDAP or OAuth  false
 limit Limit The maximum number of people to show (0 turns off the limit)  100
 scope Scope The scope of the query used to find users. "global": in the main wiki. "local": in the current wiki. "both": in both the main wiki and the local wiki. "auto": find out from the wiki settings. Has no effect in the main wiki.  auto


All users


Results in: 


All users, no LDAP or OpenIDC requirements, bigger

{{team requireExternalAuth="false" size="100" /}}

Results in: 


All users, no LDAP or OpenIDC requirements, some colors

{{team requireExternalAuth="false" letterAvatarBgColor="#05C" letterAvatarFontColor="#FFA"/}}

Results in: 


All users, with LDAP or OpenIDC requirements

{{team requireExternalAuth="true" /}}

All users with names, disable tools

{{team showUsernames="true" disableTools="true"/}}

Results in: 


All users with names, disable letter avatars, only in the main wiki

{{team showUsernames="true" disableLetterAvatars="true" scope="global"/}}

Results in: 


Recently Updated

This macro allows you to display the most recently updated pages, blog posts, and attachments. You can filter by space, labels (tags), author (last editor) and you can further customise the display through the maximum number of results, theme, show user profile and hide title parameters. 


typesComma-separated list of types ( page ,  blogpost ,  comment  or  attachment ), possibly prefixed with "-".Noall types
spacesComma-separated list of spaces, possibly prefixed with "+" or "-", or special value like  @self ,  @global  or  @all .No@self
authorComma-separated list of authors.No 
labelsComma-separated list of tags, possibly prefixed with "+" or "-".No 
maxMaximum number of results.No  15
themeAppearance of the macro ( concise ,  social ,  sidebar ).No  concise
widthWidth of the macro in percentage.No  100%
hideHeadingWhether to hide the text "Recently Updated" as titleNo  false
showProfilePicWhether to show the profile picture of usersNo  false


{{recently-updated spaces="Sandbox" types="page, attachments" max="10" showProfilePic="true" hideHeading="true" theme="social"/}}

Results in:


User List

The macro allows displaying a custom list of users in a table with a set of configurable properties.


 Parameter  Name  Description  Default
 users  Users  List of users to be displayed  
 properties  Properties  List of user properties to be displayed  avatar,username


{{userList users="XWiki.JohnDoe,XWiki.StefanaNazare,XWiki.MarySmith" properties="avatar,username"/}}

Results in:


User Profile

The macro allows to display a user with their attributes in a box.


 Parameter  Name  Description  Default
 reference  Reference  Reference to a user page  
 properties  Properties  List of user properties to be displayed, separated by a comma  company,email,phone,address


{{userProfile reference="XWiki.MarySmith"/}}

Results in:


View File

The View Files macro allows you to embed an Office or a PDF document inside an XWiki page or display a thumbnail for office documents and other types of attachments such as images and videos. You will need to attach the document to the page. 


displayKind of display. "button" for a button, "thumbnail" for a thumbnail, "full" to render the document in placenothumbnail (button in inline mode)
nameThe attachment reference to displayif att-filename is not given 
widthThe width of the view in % or px (e.g. 100%, 100px)no100% for the full view or 100px for the thumbnail
heightThe height of the view in % or px (e.g. 100%, 100px)no1000px for the full view or 100px for the thumbnail
att-filenameAlias of name, here for compatibility reasonsIf name is not given


{{view-file name="XWikiLogo.png"/}}

{{view-file display="button" name="migration-gif-2.mp4"/}}

{{view-file display="full" name="XWikiSAS.pdf" height="600"/}}

Results in


Installation Steps

This paid extensions requires XWiki 13.10 or above. In order to install the extension, follow the next steps inside your XWiki instance (on cloud or on premise).

Navigate to the Extension Manager

In the Applications Panel click on "More Applications..." and then "Install new applications...". Alternatively navigate directly to the Administration and select the "Extensions" section.


Install the Extension

Search for the extension you wish to install and use the Install button to install it.


Get a License

Navigate to the "Licenses" section of the Administration, fill your details, look for the extension you just installed in the live table and click the buttons to get a trial license or to buy a license.


Install the License

If you have selected a trial license then you're good and there's nothing else to do. Your trial license is automatically installed.

However if you've selected to buy a license you'll be redirected to a page to perform the payment. At the end you need to come back to the "Licenses" administration section and click on the "Check for Updates" button. This will download and apply the license you bought.

Use the Extension

Start using the Extension! Refer to the extension's documentation to know how to use it.

Installing Paid Apps on Subwikis

If you want to install an application on the whole farm (main wiki + subwikis), you can do so directly from the main wiki’s Extension Manager, as seen below:


Extensions can also be installed only on a particular subwiki by global admins. Subwiki admins will not be able to install these extensions due to their limited rights.


The price is per year and varies depending on the support level and the number of users.

Support / Users 10 25 50 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000 10000 20000


What do you get when you purchase an XWiki extension?

1 year license

By purchasing an XWiki extension license, you'll benefit from it during one year.

Free updates

You benefit from all the extension updates during one year. You are always up to date.

Support included

If you are facing an issue, you can reach the XWiki support. Our team is always available to help.

How to Buy

To buy, install this extension from inside your XWiki instance and follow the instructions.

Release notes


Bugs fixed:

  • #243: Multimedia macro isn't working on Cloud instances
  • #480: Support details split into several confluence_details macro in detailssummary
    Tasks done:
  • #450: Hide the att--filename parameter from the macro dialogue, but keep the compatibility


  • #476: Index out of bounds when detailssummary with sorting can't find all the columns of a row
  • #477: Find tables in macros inside details
  • #411: improve inplace editing


  • #457: Details Summary doesn't correctly list results in subwikis
  • #459: Don't limit results to 10 by default in CQL macros
  • #460: Support the sortBy and reverseSort parameters in Details Summary



  • #395: Add user suggestions to Profile picture macro
  • #400: add the option to change the size of the displayed profile picture, like it is the case for the team macro
  • #404: Update the Content report table to have the content label.
  • #405: Use a space picker for the space parameter
  • #407: Add a tag picker for the label field
  • #409: "FALLBACK" message gets displayed over list of users
  • #410: Add the content category
  • #414: make Profile picture macro support inline mode
  • #425: Add the content tag to the Recently updated macro
  • #431: Make the author parameter a user picker with multiple supported choices

Bugs fixed:

  • #402: Can not edit content in place after saving the page once
  • #391: Excerpt-include macro don't detect except macro when except macro is into an other macro
  • #423: Content ill-displayed in confluence_section lacking confluence_column macros

Tasks done:

  • #401: Update the description of the inline parameter.
  • #412: update hint to "Display the profile picture of selected users."
  • #436: Change the names of the theme parameter values
  • #437: Update the description of the theme parameter
  • #439: Update the description of the "ShowProfilePic" parameter
  • #440: Update the description of the "HideHeading" parameter

Updated dependencies:

  • Confluence XML 9.76.2
  • Licensing application to 1.27.
  • Pdfviewer macro to 2.6.1.
  • Diagram application to 1.21.
  • Location search macro to 1.4.7.
  • Task manager application to 3.6.3.
  • Confluence migrator pro to 1.29.1.


  • #386: Show-if/hide-if: Show error if the somes parameter are unsupported


  • #383: Taglist css is not working
  • #362: Detailssummary doesn't show lists contained in listed pages in the table
  • #365: Rendering error of the whole page when a title with an id macro in it is contained in a toc-zone macro
  • #378: Tab group macro broken if we set an invalid ID


  • #375: Handle references with a space in them in confluence_gallery
  • #376: Move the pro resolvers to the Confluence Migrator Pro project 


  • #373: Hide the atlassian-macro-output-type parameter from the macro editor for the excerpt macro
  • #374: Make sure Confluence references resolve by default


  • #369: Actually support inline mode for excerpt and excerpt-include


  • #367: Provide Confluence resolvers using the Confluence Migrator Pro's link mapping state  
  • #368: Declare inline mode support for excerpt and excerpt-include


  • #352: Implement a macro for tab
  • #363: Fix WYSIWYG for show-if/hide-if macro


  • #347: Upgrade parent to 14.10
  • #355: Create macro bridge for float macro
  • #360: Support "descendants" scope in the Contributors macro
  • #361: Support Confluence fixed tables  
  • #358: htmlcomment bridge macro fix
  • #325: Rename the old Pro Macros module in "Pro Macros Legacy" in the extension manager
  • #323: Bulleted list does not work as expected when used in "Expand" macro


  • #328: Support for the CQL query ancestor = currentContent(), parent = currentContent() and id = currentContent()


  • #350: Add confluence toc-zone macro bridge
  • #340: Create htmlcomment macro bridge
  • #336: Create show-if and hide-if macro


  • #346: ViewFile causes duplication when inside a paragraph after editing and saving a document
  • #344: Improve the expand macro by adding a new parameter that automatically expands the macro.
  • #342: Add a new parameter to the panel macro called height
  • #338: Add a new row to the panel macro called footer


  • #335: Improve the drawio bridge to be able to import the inc-drawio macro


  • #332: Content by label fails when spaces are given as parameters instead of inside a CQL expression


  • #331: The detailssummary macro ignores details macros having an id if it doesn't have one
  • #330: Add a basic bridge for outgoing-links
  • #257: Can't save a page with 2 Excerpt macros
  • #318: Conversion from Confluence fails without visible error message


  • #326: Gliffy and drawio confluence bridges don't show converted diagrams if a tilde appears in the document name
  • #324: Cannot invoke "String.isEmpty()" because "aqlStatement" is null when both "labels" and "cql" are empty for CQL macros
  • #301: Use the first title or child panel's title as the default title of Expand


#262: Added the tag list macro.


More work around for licensing issues:


  • #288: Handle the situation when a bridge corresponding to a legacy unprefixed Confluence bridge is not found


  • #286: Pro Macros license not seen as valid after an upgrade to version 1.19.0
  • #244: Team macro not working when selecting a Tag
  • #246: Expand Macro Content is Not Displayed in a PDF Export


  • #195: Add support for the "nopanel" parameter in excerpt-include macro
  • #105: Add what is needed to implement macros using CQL statements
  • #83: Implement the "contentbylabel" Confluence bridge macro
  • #60: Implement details (Page Properties) and detailsummary (Page Property Report) CQL macros
  • #283: View Files: Use a fallback for thumbails on older XWiki versions
  • #282: Make Excerpt Include show an error when the target document is not found
  • #281: Excerpt Include doesn't show content for hidden excerpts
  • #280: PageTree: no results when a space is passed as root without ".WebHome"
  • #277: Separate Confluence bridges from XWiki SAS's own Pro macros


  • #276: View-file macro: define parameter types for display and name to ease value selection


  • #275: View-file macro: missing preview


  • #274: View-file Macro: add a download button in the preview modal
  • #273: View-file macro: make the thumbnail display the default
  • #272: View-file macro: don't render documents in edit mode
  • #271: View-file macro: support inline mode
  • #270: View-file macro: don't render documents ahead of time
  • #268: View-file macro: make parameter values for display lower case
  • #265: Named excerpt-include should fail when no excerpt with a matching name is found


  • #239: Improve display of view-file macro
  • #258: Recently Updated macro does not provide result when the author parameter is not set
  • #263: Obscure "The required content is missing" error when license is missing for a Pro macro implemented in Java
  • #264: Support the MultiExcerpt family of macros 


  • #258: Recently Updated macro does not provide result on example page


  • #255: The Recently Updated macro shows not results if the author parameter is set to a user other than superadmin


  • #245: Recently Updated macro cannot be inserted in the WYSIWYG editor

Updated Location Search dependency to version 1.3.


  • #250: Add Search Location Macro as an optional dependency to Pro Macros


  • #249: Better resolution for reference parameters in pagetree and recently-updated


PDF Viewer dependency upgrade  to version 2.5.4.


  • #238: Recently Updated doesn't handle space characters in the space name
  • #237: Recently updated macro gives out XWikiDateTool error in the logs
  • #213: The panel macro cuts off content that is too wide
  • #208: Columns don't provide a WYSIWYG experience in edit mode


  • #232: Allow block macros in the Expand macro


  • #231: pagetree does not always point to the correct location
  • #223: Weird characters preventing Expand from being installed on some setups


  • #222: Support .macro-section and .macro-layout-section.single



  • #211: The icon of inner Expand macro changes into collapse when collapsing the outer

New features:

  • #220: Create a confluence_children macro



  • #191: Real content hidden due to hiding auto-cursor-target class



  • #199: Excerpt-Include macro does not create backlinks on migration
  • #215: Expand isn't transparent

New features:

  • #216: Support background / highlight colors
  • #217: Work around empty paragraphs artifacts of the Confluence WYSIWYG editor


Bug fixes:

  • #190 Excerpt-include macro does not display images from excerpt
  • #192 The excerpt-include macro is named Excerpt


  • #212 Upgrade Licensor dependency to version 1.25


Bug fixes:

  • #197 User cannot open second Expand macro containing display macro call if first page reference contains a page that also uses the Expand macro
  • #209 Recently Updated macro does not load when there is a comment on a child page that contains special characters [ or ] in its title
  • #178 Recently Updated macro returns no results if a space was provided by name


Bug fixes:

  • #180 Some macros are not working on XWiki 15.5 and higher
  • #193 The PageTree Confluence bridge macro's root parameter is incorrectly mandatory


Bug fixes:

  • #187 Mathinline uses MathJax's display mode instead of inline



  • #185 Slowness due to the presence of mathjax-latex
  • We excluded unneeded latex-related extensions from the dependencies so they don't get installed and cause issues.


New features:

  • #184 Implement the mathinline, mathblock and mathblock-ref Confluence bridge Macros


  • #170 Installation logs of Extension Manager display warning related to unknown property
  • #181 Float for user avatar is not cleared in the Userlist Macro's responsive mode


New features:

  • #107 Create the pagetree bridge macro
  • #26 Implement the Excerpt Include confluence bridge macro
  • #106 Create the contributors bridge macro


  • #175 Replace deprecated method $mathtool.toNumber with $numbertool.toNumber in Content Report Table Macro
  • #122 [userprofile] blurry user profile pictures

Bugs fixed:

  • #171 The Tip macro is missing a description
  • #177 The Layout macros are missing descriptions
  • #46 Content Report Table Macro - Spaces aren't kept in the pages migrated from Confluence to XWiki
  • #39 Improve the Multimedia Macro parameters
  • #174 Unused att- -filename parameter in Layout cell macro


  • #179 Upgrade Licensor dependency to version 1.24.3


Bugs fixed:

  • #142 Errors appear in the wiki console when adding the Recently Updated macro


  • #148 Recently Updated macro: improvements to layout


Fixes and improvements:

  • #108 Create the profile-picture macro
  • #78 Depend on Diagram Pro
  • #116 Make user list responsive
  • #114 Deduplicate users in the userList macro
  • #163 Add support for the time macro
  • #65 Add the Parameters column and translate the names in the Status macro description



  • #165 The Recently Updated macro is not filtering properly on spaces


  • Improve macro parameter escaping


Bugs fixed:

  • #135 The "<" symbol causes issues in the title
  • #136 File isn't shown when it contains a comma in the title
  • #138 File that has special chars in title can't be played 
  • #143 The "Show more" button of the Recently Updated macro does nothing after editing
  • #147 Unable to add the Recently Updated macro from the WYSIWYG editor
  • #149 The Recently Updated Macro shows hidden pages

Regressions fixed:

  • #131 [Regression] The attachments list is not displayed on XWiki 14.4.3 (error loading data)
  • #132 [Regression] It's not possible to upload new files with the attachments macro anymore
  • #153 [Regression] Missing actions for the "Attachments" macro 


  • PDF Viewer Macro dependency to version 2.5.2


Bugs fixed:

  • #118 "column" macro should work without content.
  • #140 The avatars show with different size
  • #160 UserList macro fires a NullPointerException due to conflict on WikiDescriptorManager field


Bugs fixed:

  • #151 Recently Updated Macro displays an error on pages with different locales


Bugs fixed:

  • #144 Link not converted well when used within note macro
  • #146 UserList and UserProfile macros work without license


Bugs fixed:

  • #124 The example usage on the attachments macro page (Confluence.Macros.Attachments) is using the old name of the attachments macro
  • #126 Inline rendering converted into block
  • #129 Upgrade parent to 13.10-3

Tasks done:

  • #133 Upgrade parent to 13.10-3

Upgraded licensing version to 1.24.1.


Bugs fixed:

  • #125 In UserList macro, the parameter for setting a fixed layout is not taken into account


New features:

  • #88 Create the "userlister" macro
  • #90 User list macro: Allow to pick a group to display the users

Bugs fixed:

  • #112 Adapt the attachments macro to the new livetable attachments view
  • #113 The content of the columns from stacked user lists is not aligned



  • #119 Add text wrapping option for MS Stream macro

Bugs fixed:

  • #110 Add warning when adding macros without a license


New Features:

  • #84 Create the "recently-updated" macro
  • #85 Create the "Expand" bridge macro


Bugs fixed:

  • #99 Diagram is empty after conversion from drawio


New Features:

  • #82 Create the "Attachments" macro
  • #73 Create a Confluence bridge macro for Microsoft Stream Macro


Improvements on the Team macro:

  • Fix usernames not being shown
  • Support subwikis through the scope parameter
  • Fix links, which now point to the user profiles


New Macro:

  • Team, to show the avatars of a team
  • User List, to display a custom list of users with their avatar and properties
  • User Profile, to display a user card

Support for new Confluence Macros:

  • Drawio
  • Tip


New Features:
#64 Create a button macro
#69 Develop a Microsoft Stream macro

<p>Update the PDF Viewer dependency version to 2.4
Update the Licensing dependency version to 1.22.1


Update the PDF Viewer dependency version to 2.3.3
Update the Licensing dependency version to 1.22


Update the licensor and PDF Viewer versions.


Update parent version to 11.10.

Extension details

This information is only displayed to Administrators. Your users can't see this tab.


  • GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1




  • xar

Developed by


  • Requires XWiki 13.10 or above.

Installable with the Extension Manager


  • com.xwiki.licensing:application-licensing-licensor-api 1.27
  • com.xwiki.pdfviewer:macro-pdfviewer-ui 2.6.1
  • org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro-store 14.10
  • org.xwiki.contrib:location-search-macro 1.4.7
  • org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-tag-ui 14.10
  • 3.6.3
  • 1.26.3
  • com.xwiki.commons:xwiki-pro-commons-pickers-ui 1.0.4
  • org.xwiki.rendering:xwiki-rendering-macro-html 14.10
  • org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-rendering-macro-velocity 14.10
  • org.webjars:jquery 3.6.0
  • org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-query-manager 14.10
  • org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-wiki-script 14.10
  • org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-localization-script 14.10
  • org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-wiki-user-script 14.10
  • org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-office-macro 14.10