Pro Macros

Last modified by Administrator on 2024/04/26 00:01

Pro Macros

Supercharge XWiki’s functionality with Pro macros. Compatible with Atlassian Confluence macros imported during migrations. Can be purchased individually or part of the XWiki Pro package. Try them free.

Active Installs38
0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
Minimal XWiki version supportedXWiki 13.10

Macros are how you take XWiki's functionality to the next level. They can be used to:

  • Display content in a more visually appealing manner or highlight important information
  • Embed documents, such as PDF or Office files or display diagrams
  • Show the relations between XWiki pages and improve navigation
  • Display media, such as videos and audio

All Pro macros are compatible with Atlassian Confluence macros imported during migrations (generic macros), with some of them specifically developed only to cover this need (macros used only in the context of Confluence migrations):

Generic Macros

  • Panel
  • Status
  • View Files
  • Note
  • Paste Code
  • Content Report Table
  • Column
  • Section
  • Layout
  • Multimedia
  • Anchor
  • Team
  • User List
  • User Profile
  • Expand
  • Recently Updated

Macros used only in the context of Confluence migrations

  • Attachments
  • Balsamiq
  • Confluence Children
  • Confluence Gallery
  • Contributors
  • Drawio
  • Excerpt
  • Excerpt-Include
  • Gliffy
  • Mathblock
  • Mathblock-Ref
  • Mathinline
  • Mockup
  • Pagetree
  • Profile Picture
  • Tip
  • Time

Inserting a macro

To insert a macro you should edit the page:

  • Click on the "+" icon from the editor
  • Select the macro from the list
  • Fill in the needed parameters
  • Click "Submit"


Editing a macro

Macros can be edited by double clicking on the macro in the visual editor. Alternatively, you can edit the syntax of the macro by going to the page's source. The supported parameters, as well as the syntax, are detailed in the Documentation tab for each macro.

Generic Macros


The Panel macro allows you to display XWiki content inside a visually appealing panel. You can customize its size, colours and border.
This macro supports all Atlassian Confluence parameters as of version 7.9.


 Parameter  Name  Default value  Description
 title  Title  -  If specific a title section is added with the specific text
 bgColor  Background color  -  If specific sets the background color of the content of the panel
 width  Width  -  If specified sets the width of the panel (300px or 50%)
 height  Height  -  If specified sets the width of the panel (300px or 50%)
 classes  CSS classes   -  If specified adds css classes to the panel
 borderColor  Border color white If specified sets the panel border color
 borderStyle  Border style solid  If specified sets the css border style
 borderWidth Border width 1px If specified sets the border width in pixels
 borderRadius Border radius8px 8px 0px 0px If specified replaces the default border radius
 titleBGColor  Title background color  -  If specified sets the title section background color
 titleColor  Title text color  -  If specified sets the title text color


Simple panel

Content of the panel

Results in:


Simple panel with border and size

{{panel borderColor="black" width="50%"}}
Content of the panel

Results in:


Panel with title and colors

{{panel bgColor="#dbf4ff" titleBGColor="#2a8af7" titleColor="#ffffff" width="50%" title="Title of the panel"}}
Content of the panel

Results in:


Panel with title and colors and border

{{panel bgColor="#dbf4ff" borderColor="#2a8af7" titleBGColor="#2a8af7" titleColor="#ffffff" title="Title of the panel"}}
Content of the panel

Results in:


Panel with bootstrap classes

{{panel classes="col-sm-12" bgColor="#dbf4ff" titleBGColor="#2a8af7" titleColor="#ffffff" title="Title of the panel"}}
Content of the panel

Results in:



The Status macro helps you highlight the status of an item using a colored box. You can customize both the text and the background color. The background can be either lightly colored, or dark, depending on your preference. The macro can be used inside other macros.


 Parameter  Name  Default value  Description
 title  Title The color nameThe text of the status. If not specified, the color name will be displayed (e.g.:"Grey").
 colour  Color GreyThe color of the status (text color and background color). The following colors are available: "Blue", "Green", "Grey", "Purple", "Red" and "Yellow".
 subtle  Subtle FalseThe aspect of the status: either white text on dark color background or dark color text on light color background. It should be filled with "true" or "false".


{{status title="Task"/}}

Results in:


{{status title="Improvement" colour="Green"/}}

Results in:


{{status title="Improvement" colour="Green" subtle="true"/}}

Results in:


View Files

The View Files macro allows you to embed an Office or a PDF document inside an XWiki page. You will need to attach the document to the page. The supported file types are doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, and pdf.
Any macro added as such in Confluence should be, when migrating, converted into a view-file macro and have a preview.
To display specific file types you can also use the following macros:

  • View Doc
  • View Pdf
  • View Ppt
  • View Xls


{{view-file att--filename="Test.pdf"/}}


Similar to the warning macro, the note macro is used to highlight important notes in a coloured panel.


titleThe title of the note.


{{note title="Note: "}}
This is my note with title.

Results in:


Paste Code

Similar to the Code macro, the aim of this macro is to allow users to paste code snippets inside XWiki pages.


languageThe code language to be used for the representation.
titleThe title of the box containing the code.


{{paste-code-macro language="java" title="Hello World Example"}}
class Simple{
    public static void main(String args[]){
        System.out.println("Hello World !");

Results in:


Content Report Table

This macro provides a content report in a table format based on tags (labels).


labelsThe labels (tags) to report on, separated by comma.Yes 
spacesThe space keys to report on, separated by a comma and a blank space (e.g: "Confluence, XWiki")No 
maxResultsMaximum Number of results (pages).No20


{{content-report-table labels="test"/}}

Results in:



The column macro lets you organise content in columns. This macro is used in conjunction with the Section macro, and provides more flexibility to the page layout.


widthWidthThe width of the column. Can be specified either in pixels (for example, 400px) or as a percentage of the available page width (for example, 50%).


Simple column

{{column width="350px"}}
Add the Section macro to a page to organise your content in sections and columns.  This macro is used in conjunction with the Column macro.

Results in:


Columns usage in Section

{{section border="true"}}

{{column width="250px"}}
Add the Section macro to a page to organise your content in sections and columns.  This macro is used in conjunction with the Column macro.

{{column width="300px"}}
Content in the column 2

{{column width="300px"}}
Content in the column 3

{{column width="250px"}}
Content in the column 4


Results in:



Add the Section macro to a page to organise your content in sections and columns. This macro is used in conjunction with the Column macro to personalise the XWiki page layout.


ParameterNameDescriptionDefault value
borderShow BorderSelect this option to draw a border around the columns, when they exist.false


Simple section without border

Content of a simple section, without border.

Results in:


Simple section with border, no column

No border is added, because the borders are applied on columns, when they exist.

{{section border="true"}}
Content of a simple section, with border.

Results in:


Simple section with border and column

{{section border="true"}}
Content of a simple section, with border.

Results in:


Section with 4 columns

{{section border="true"}}

{{column width="250px"}}
Content in the column 1

{{column width="300px"}}
Content in the column 2

{{column width="300px"}}
Content in the column 3

{{column width="250px"}}
Content in the column 4


Results in:



The layout macro allows you to organize the content of your page, usually with the help of Layout Section and Layout Cell macros.


Two equal columns

{{layout-section ac:type="two_equal"}}
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available.

Results in:


Three equal columns

{{layout-section ac:type="three_equal"}}
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur.

Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself.

To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise.

Results in:


Two columns, one behaving as sidebar on the right

{{layout-section ac:type="two_right_sidebar"}}
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Results in:


Two columns, one behaving as sidebar on the left

{{layout-section ac:type="two_left_sidebar"}}
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Results in:


Three columns, sidebar-content-sidebar

{{layout-section ac:type="three_with_sidebars"}}
On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation

But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty.

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation.

Results in:



The Multimedia macro is a bridge between Confluence and XWiki. It uses the JW Player open-source embeddable media player for web sites, supporting many commonly-used audio and video formats.


pageThe page to which the multimedia file is attachedNo 
nameFile name of the attached multimedia file.Yes 
widthThe player width, in pixels. If not defined, the player tries to determine automatically the width from the played media file.No 
heightThe player height, in pixels. If not defined, the player tries to determine automatically the height from the played media file.No 
autostartIf the parameter is set to true then the video or audio file will start playing as soon as the page is loaded.Nofalse



{{multimedia name="file_example.mp4" width="500" height="200" /}}


{{multimedia name="file_example.mp3" height="30"/}}


By including the Anchor macro in a page, you can link to a specific part of a page. Once you have added a link to the anchor, clicking on the link will bring you back to the location of the anchor.


For anchor "test":

{{anchor name="test" /}}

Link syntax:

[[test link>>||anchor="test"]]


A macro that displays avatars of the members of a team, filterable by numerous parameters.


 Parameter  Name  Description  Default
 tag  Tag  Tag that users need to have to be shown  
 users  Users  Restrict to this list of user names (don't prefix with the wiki identifier)  
 size  Size  The size (height and width) of an avatar  60
 showUsernames  Show Usernames  The name of users should be displayed under their avatars  false
 letterAvatarBgColor  Letter Avatars Background Color  The background color of the letter avatars  #0A6
 letterAvatarFontColor  Letter Avatars Font Color  The font color of the letter avatars  white
 disableLetterAvatars  Disable Letter Avatars  Don't use letter avatars and display a default avatar instead  false
 requireExternalAuth  Require External Auth The user should be searched in LDAP or OAuth  false
 limit  Limit  The maximum number of people to show (0 turns off the limit)  100
 scope  Scope  The scope of the query used to find users. "global": in the main wiki. "local": in the current wiki. "both": in both the main wiki and the local wiki. "auto": find out from the wiki settings. Has no effect in the main wiki.  auto


All users


Results in: 


All users, no LDAP or OpenIDC requirements, bigger

{{team requireExternalAuth="false" size="100" /}}

Results in: 


All users, no LDAP or OpenIDC requirements, some colors

{{team requireExternalAuth="false" letterAvatarBgColor="#05C" letterAvatarFontColor="#FFA"/}}

Results in: 


All users, with LDAP or OpenIDC requirements

{{team requireExternalAuth="true" /}}

All users with names, disable tools

{{team showUsernames="true" disableTools="true"/}}

Results in: 


All users with names, disable letter avatars, only in the main wiki

{{team showUsernames="true" disableLetterAvatars="true" scope="global"/}}

Results in: 


User List

The macro allows displaying a custom list of users in a table with a set of configurable properties.


 Parameter  Name  Description  Default
 users  Users  List of users to be displayed  
 properties  Properties  List of user properties to be displayed  avatar,username


{{userList users="XWiki.JohnDoe,XWiki.StefanaNazare,XWiki.MarySmith" properties="avatar,username"/}}

Results in:


User Profile

The macro allows to display a user with their attributes in a box.


 Parameter  Name  Description  Default
 reference  Reference  Reference to a user page  
 properties  Properties  List of user properties to be displayed, separated by a comma  company,email,phone,address


{{userProfile reference="XWiki.MarySmith"/}}

Results in:



This macro allows you to insert an expandable section, with a title and content. Compatible with Confluence migrations.


 Parameter  Name  Description  Default
 title  Title  Title of the section, displayed when the section is collapsed 
 content  Content  Content visible when the section is expanded  


{{expand title="Expand this section to learn more"}}
In pharetra fermentum est, non dapibus orci congue eget. Curabitur scelerisque dui vitae sagittis aliquam. Etiam tincidunt mattis ultrices. Integer felis magna, sodales sit amet finibus id, efficitur nec nulla. Ut volutpat tellus id bibendum scelerisque. Fusce ut massa nulla. Donec ullamcorper elit vitae metus condimentum, sed varius eros luctus. Etiam elit mi, finibus sed nibh a, facilisis eleifend orci.

Results in:


Recently Updated

This macro allows you to display the most recently updated pages, blog posts, and attachments. You can filter by space, labels (tags), author (last editor) and you can further customise the display through the maximum number of results, theme, show user profile and hide title parameters. 


 Parameter  Name  Description  Default
 author  Author Filter the results by author(s) of the last modifications. none
 spaces  Space 

Display pages, blog posts or attachments only from certain specified spaces. You can specify one or more space keys, separated by a comma or a space.

  • To exclude content in a specific space, put a minus sign - immediately in front of that space name. For example: If you specify a space name of -Sandbox you will get only content which is not in the Sandbox.
  • To indicate that the results must come from a specific space, put a plus sign + immediately in front of that space name. For example: If you specify a space name of +LegalDepartment you will get only content in LegalDepartment. 

Special values: "@self" - the current space, "@global" - all spaces in wiki, "@all" or "*" - all spaces in every wiki.


Filter the results by label. The macro will display only the pages etc which are tagged with the label(s) you specify here. You can specify one or more label values, separated by a comma or a space.

  • To exclude content which matches a given label, put a minus sign immediately in front of that label value. For example: If you specify a label value of -toexclude you will get only content which is not labeled with 'toexclude'.
  • To display only pages tagged with a certain label, put a plus sign immediately in front of that label value. For example: If you specify a label value of +toinclude, you will get only pages that are tagged with 'toinclude'. The labels parameter only applies to the page and blog content types.
widthWidth of TableSpecify the widths of the macro display, as a percentage of the window widht. 100%
typesContent TypesFilter by content type (page, blogpost, comment, attachment). You can specify one or more types, separated by a comma or a space. all types
maxMaximum Number of ResultsRestrict the number of displayed results. 15

Choose the appearance of this macro:

  • concise — the default list, showing the names of pages which were updated or commented on, the users who made the page modifications and time when the modifications occurred.
  • social — lists recent modifications in reverse chronological order, but groups them by user. A 'sub' list appears within each user's time segment, showing the names of pages which they updated or commented on and time when these modifications occurred.
  • sidebar — lists recent updates in reverse chronological order, showing the names of pages which were updated or commented on and time when the page modifications occurred. The author is not displayed 
showProfilePicShow User Profile PicturesDisplay the profile pictures of the authors. false
hideHeadingHide Title

Determines whether the macro hides or displays the text 'Recently Updated' as a title above the list of content.



{{recently-updated spaces="Sandbox" types="page, attachments" max="10" showProfilePic="true" hideHeading="true" theme="social"/}}

Results in:


Microsoft Stream

This macro provides a way for embedding a Microsoft Stream video in a page.

 Parameter  Name  Description  RequiredDefault
urlURLThe URL to the Microsoft Stream video.Yes 
widthWidthThe viewer width. Can be specified either in pixels (for example, 400px) or as a percentage of the available page width (for example, 50%).No500px
heightHeightThe viewer height. Can be specified either in pixels (for example, 400px) or as a percentage of the available page height (for example, 50%).No300px
alignmentAlignmentPosition of the video relatively to its container. Accepted values are left, center and right.No 
startStart AtStart video at a specific time (use HH:MM:SS as time format).No00:00:00
showinfoShow InfoShow the video info on thumbnail.Notrue
autoplayAuto PlayWhether the video should start automatically or if the user must play it.Nofalse
textWrapText WrapWrap text around the video. This applies only to left and right alignment.Notrue


{{msStream url="" width="700px" alignment="right" showinfo="true" start="00:05:04"/}}

Results in:


Macros used only in the context of Confluence migration


The Attachment macro is a bridge between Confluence and XWiki. It uses the XWiki implementation to display attachments in the page content. There are two things to note:

Not every parameters supported by the Confluence macro are supported by this bridge macro. The remaining parameters are ignored:

  • labels is not supported since XWiki does not support attachment tags
  • preview does not make sense for the XWiki macro as attachments are displayed differently
  • old has not been implemented in this bridge macro because it does not make really sense for XWiki
  • "created date" value of the sortBy property behave the same way as the "date" value


patternsComma-separated list of regular expressions, used to filter attachments by name.No 
sortBySort attachments by date , size or nameNodate
sortOrderSort attachments in ascending or descending orderNoascending
uploadAllow users to attach new filesNotrue
pagePages containing the attachments to display. Current page if empty.No 

Example Usage



This macro is a bridge for the Confluence Balsamiq Wireframe macro. It displays the image preview of the mockup, as it was migrated from Confluence.

The wireframe preview is an attachment added to the parent page. For example, for a wireframe identified with MyWireframeID, there will be an attachment on the parent page of this form: <balsamiq_MyWireframeID[_branchID].png. This means that there will be a prefix called balsamiq followed by an underscore (_), then the resource identifier (MyWireframeID in this case), then an arbitrary suffix (if it is set, by default it will be called Master). So, here are some filenames matching our example :

  • balsamiq_MyWireframeID_Master.png
  • balsamiq_MyWireframeID.png

Even if the macro is called in Confluence "Balsamiq wireframes", the id of the macro is "mockup". This is why, when importing these types of macros into XWiki, they are converted into "mockup" macros. 


ParameterDescriptionAccepted valuesDefault valueMandatory
initialResourceIDThe ressource ID that is part of the mockup filename attached to the current page (in the example above, it would be MyWireframeID).  Yes
initialBranchIDThe branch on which the file was stored. If it exists, by default, Confluence sets it to Master.   
AlignmentThe alignment of the wireframe preview.Left, Center and RightLeft  


{{wireframe initialResourceID="2278E287-509B-183B-1098-2EC38DDDB7D8" initialBranchID="Master" Alignment="Center"/}}

Results in:


Confluence Children

The Confluence Children macro is a bridge between Confluence and XWiki, supporting the following parameters: 


Specify the page containing the children to display. If empty, children of the current page will be displayed.


Limit the number of displayed child pages.


Other parameters will be imported, but are not active in XWiki at the moment. Attachments are *not* shown in the tree. 


Show all children of the current page:



Show first 5 children of a specified page: 

{{confluence_children page="TEST.WebHome" first="5"/}}


Confluence Gallery

The Confluence Gallery macro is a bridge between Confluence and XWiki. This bridge uses the XWiki implementation of the Gallery macro under the hood and therefore assumes that the Confluence gallery macro is prefixed during import. There are a few things to note:

Only a subset of the parameters supported by the Confluence macro are supported by this bridge macro: title, exclude, include and page. The remaining parameters are ignored:

  • columns does not make sense for the XWiki macro as the images are displayed differently
  • excludeLabel and includeLabel are not supported since XWiki does not support attachment tags
  • sort and reverse have not been implemented in this bridge macro


titleTitle of the gallery.No 
excludeExcluded images (comma separated).No 
includeIncluded images (comma separated).No 
pagePages containing the images to display. Current page if empty.No 


All images in the current page:


Results in:



Contributors confluence bridge macro that shows the contributors of a given page.

  • authors - includes users who edited the page(s).
  • comments - includes people who commented to the page(s)

Several values can be given, separated by commas. Values "labels" and "watches" are not supported in this bridge macro.


Possibles values:

  • count - order by number of contributions
  • name - order contributors by name alphabetically
  • update - order by last contribution date
reverseReversefalsereverse the order specified in the order parameter.
limitLimitno limitShow at most the given number of contributors.

Possible values are:

  • inline - a comma-separated list
  • list - a bullet list.
showCountShow countfalseShow the contribution count for each user.
showLastTimeShow last timefalseShow the last contribution time for each user.
pagePagecurrentThe page for which to list the contributions. If both page and space are empty,  the current page is used.

Space(s) containing the page specified in the page parameter, or the space(s) to search. Several spaces can be specified using commas.

@global and @ALL will search in the whole wiki.

scopeScopespecified page only

Possible values:

  • children - include direct children of the specified pages
  • descendants - include all children of the specified pages
  • (blank) - include only the specified pages
showPagesShow PagesfalseShow the list of pages used to build the list of contributors
noneFoundMessageNone Found Messagedefault message

The message to show when no contributors are found.


Code (this page, inline):

{{contributors mode="inline"/}}

Code (this page, list mode, show information):

{{contributors mode="list" showCount="true" showLastTime="true" showPages="true"/}}

Code (Sandbox space, inline):

{{contributors spaces="Sandbox" scope="descendents" mode="inline"/}}

Code (Sandbox space, list mode, show information):

{{contributors spaces="Sandbox" scope="descendents" mode="list" showCount="true" showLastTime="true" showPages="true"/}}


The Drawio macro is a bridge between Drawio macro used in Confluence and the Diagram macro used in XWiki. The aim of this macro is to allow users to view and also to modify the Drawio/ diagrams migrated from Confluence. By default, the macro displays the preview of the Drawio diagram. The user can create the editable version of the diagram, by using its representation into an XWiki diagram, always having the option to go back to the preview of the original diagram.


diagramNameThe diagram identifier. It should be the name of the attachment storing the Drawio diagram data. It should have a `.drawio` filename extension. The Drawio diagram exports consist in attachments added to the parent page. For example, for a diagram called MyDrawioDiagram.drawio, there will be two attachments on the parent page: MyDrawioDiagram.drawio.png (the filename with a ".png" extension) representing the preview of the diagram and MyDrawioDiagram.drawio representing the diagram data in's native format.

Besides the diagramName parameter, the {{drawio}} macro used in Confluence has other parameters that don't have to be cleaned, because these parameters are being ignored by this bridge macro.

Example of usage

The syntax of the macro using the diagram called "MyDrawioDiagram.drawio" is the following:

{{drawio diagramName="MyDrawioDiagram.drawio" /}}

Results in:



The Excerpt macro is a bridge macro between Confluence and XWiki. It allows the user to mark part of the page's content for use by other macros. Note the Excerpt include macro is not yet available.

The macro can also be used to hide part of the content of a page.


atlassian-macro-output-typeThe ouput type. It can be either BLOCK or INLINE.INLINE
hiddenIf true, the content of the macro will be hidden.false


Example of excerpt with HTML:

Results in:


Example of hidden excerpt:

{{excerpt hidden="true"}}
My hidden content.

Excerpt Include

The Excerpt Include macro is a bridge between Confluence and XWiki. It allows the user to include contents from other pages marked for use by other macros with the Excerpt Macro.


0The page to includeYes

Example of usage

{{excerpt-include 0="Excerpt"/}}


The Gliffy macro is a Confluence specific macro. It is a bridge between the Gliffy macro used in Confluence and the Diagram macro used in the XWiki Diagram Application. The aim of this macro is to allow users to view and modify the diagrams migrated from Confluence. By default, the macro displays the preview of the Gliffy diagram. The user can create the editable version of the diagram, by using its representation into an XWiki diagram, having always the option to go back to the preview of the original diagram.


nameThe diagram identifier. It should be the name of the attachment storing the Gliffy diagram data. It should not have a filename extension. The Gliffy diagram exports consist in attachments added to the parent page. For example, for a diagram called MyGliffyDiagram, there will be two attachments on the parent page : MyGliffyDiagram.png (the filename with a ".png" extension) representing the preview of the diagram and MyGliffyDiagram (with no filename extention) representing the diagram data.

Besides the name parameter, the {{gliffy}} macro used in Confluence has other parameters that don't have to be cleaned, because these parameters are being ignored by this bridge macro.


{{gliffy name="MyGliffyDiagram" /}}

Results in:



Add a block math expression. Bridges the mathblock Confluence macro using the XWiki's Mathjax macro.

ParameterDescriptionMandatory?Default value
anchorThe anchor to make a reference to this math expressionNoEmpty

Note: the alignment parameter is not yet supported.

Usage example

{{mathblock anchor="myanchor"}}
2+\frac 1 2 x

This block can be referenced like in the following sentence. Expression {{mathblock-ref anchor="myanchor"/}} shows some random and non-sensitical math.


Add a reference to a block math expression. Bridges the mathblock-ref Confluence macro using the XWiki's Mathjax macro.

anchorThe anchor of the math expression to reference.Yes

Usage example

{{mathblock anchor="myanchor"}}
2+\frac 1 2 x

This block can be referenced like in the following sentence. Expression {{mathblock-ref anchor="myanchor"/}} shows some random and non-sensitical math.


Add an inline math expression. Bridges the mathinline Confluence macro using the XWiki's Mathjax macro.

bodyThe math expression. It can start with --uriencoded--, in which case the math expression needs to be url-encoded.Yes

Usage example

The answer is {{mathinline body="--uriencoded--\sqrt%7B2+x%5e3%7D=\cfrac%7B1%7D%7Ba_1%7D"/}}


This macro id a bridge for the Confluence Balsamiq Mockup macro. It displays the image preview of the mockup, as it was migrated from Confluence.
The mockup preview is an attachment added to the parent page. For example, for a mockup identified with MyMockupID, there will be an attachment on the parent page of this form: <balsamiq/mockup>_MyMockupID[_branchID].png. This means that there should be a prefix called either mockup or balsamiq, followed by an underscore (_), then the resource identifier (MyMockupID in this case), then an arbitrary suffix (if it is set, by default it will be called Master). So, here are some filenames matching our example:

  • balsamiq_MyMockupID_Master.png
  • balsamiq_MyMockupID.png
  • mockup_MyMockupID.png


NameThe resource ID that is part of the mockup filename attached to the current page (in the example above, it would be MyMockupID).
initialResourceIDIn case the Name parameter is not set, this is parameter will be taken into account for identifying the attachment representing the mockup preview.
initialBranchIDThe branch on which the file was stored. If it exists, by default, Confluence sets it to Master.


{{mockup initialResourceID="2278E287-509B-183B-1098-2EC38DDDB7D8" initialBranchID="Master"/}}

This means that the accepted preview filenames attached to the current page are: 

  1. balsamiq_2278E287-509B-183B-1098-2EC38DDDB7D8_Master.png
  2. mockup_2278E287-509B-183B-1098-2EC38DDDB7D8_Master.png

Filename number 1. has priority, so in case both files are attached to the current page, the first one is displayed.

Results in:



This macro is a bridge for the Confluence Page Tree macro. It displays the list of pages in the specified page using the Document Tree Macro.


ParameterDescriptionAccepted valuesDefault valueMandatory
rootThe space to show.@home (list the pages under the home page of the space), @self (under this page), @none (all the pages of the space), @parent (all the pages in the parent space), or the name of a space@homeNo

Example of usage

{{pagetree root="Main" /}}

Profile Picture

Display avatars of the members of a team.


 Parameter  Name  Description
 User  User  The reference to the user.


{{profile-picture User="XWiki.Admin" /}}


The Time Confluence bridge macro show the time given in its datetime parameter.


{{time datetime="2023-10-11"/}}




This is a bridge macro between Confluence Tip macro and XWikis Success macro.


titleThe title of the tip.


{{tip title="Tip: "}}
This is my tip with a title.

Results in:


Supported Confluence macros

XWiki and Confluence both have their sets of macros, usually used to present content in a particular manner. In order for a macro used in Confluence to display in the same manner in XWiki, the macro has to have the same name and supported parameters. In an effort to make the transition as easy as possible for organisations that migrate from Confluence to XWiki, the Pro Applications team has dedicated significant efforts to creating XWiki macros identical to the most used Confluence macros. These macros are all present in the Pro Macros bundle. 

For the macros that do not support migration and that are used on the Confluence instance, the wiki content will be imported, but they will not be displayed in XWiki identically to the Confluence counterpart. In view mode, an error message will appear, while in wiki edit mode, the syntax and content of the macro will be visible. As the wiki content will be imported and stored, if one of the currently unsupported macros will become available in the Pro Macros package, the content will subsequently be displayed identically to the Confluence counterpart following the update and introduction of said macro in the Pro Macros.

If one or multiple macros are required, the Client may choose to sponsor the development of those macros. Please contact if you would like to inquiry about the development of certain macros.

Macro name Migration supported Comments
expand  Yes  
details  No CQL parser required
toc  Yes  
jira  Partial  Parameters : server, columns id, columns, jqlQuery, serverId. Depends on the parameters supported.
children  Yes  Basic version of the macro is available. Some parameters are missing.
recently-updated  Yes  
anchor  Yes  
panel  Yes  
view-file  Yes  
status  Yes  
info  Yes  
create-from-template  No  Already included in the standard «Create» wizard of XWiki. Should not be migrated
code  Yes  
contentbylabel  No  CQL parser required
include  Yes  
tasks-report-macro  Yes  
display-footnotes  No  
pagetree  Yes  
detailssummary  No  CQL parser required
warning  Yes  
tip  Yes  
note  Yes  
attachments  Yes  
column  Yes  
excerpt-include  Yes  
section  Yes  
excerpt  Yes  
pagetreesearch  No  
profile-picture  Partial  
contributors  Yes  
livesearch  No in progress
roadmap  No  
blog-posts  No  Migrate to the Blog application. Complexity depends on the parameters to migrate
noformat  Yes  
viewxls  Yes  
gliffy  Yes  
table-filter  No  
ui-expand  No  
mathinline Yes 
calendar  No  Configurable calendar macro. Date macro exists.
change-history  Partial  Same information as the History panel, which is displayed by default in the page. The migration will imply removing the change history macro and using the history tab.
ui-button  No  
style  No  Migrate to SSX
jirachart  No  Improvements of the JIRA macro
div  No  
gadget  No  
navmap  No  
widget  No  
pivot-table  No  
viewppt  Yes  
table-chart  No  
listlabels  No  
scroll-ignore  No  
viewpdf  Yes  
auitabspage  No  
auitabs  No  
status-handy  No  
jira-key  No  Migration to the XWiki JIRA macro, which is already capable to display the status of a single issue.
content-report-table  Yes  
multiexcerpt  No  
ui-tab  No  
ui-tabs  No  
chart  No  
table  No  
auihorizontalnav  No  
plantuml  No  
unmigrated-wiki-markup  No  
numberedheadings  No  
popular-labels  No  Migration to tag cloud
bgcolor  No  
table-excerpt-include  No  
ui-text-box  No  
table-joiner  No CQL parser required
multiexcerpt-include  No  
table-excerpt  No  
outgoing-links  No  
task-list  Yes  See task-report-macro
userlister  Yes  
confluence-advanced-macros  No  
footnote  No  
viewdoc  Yes  
live-template  No  
drawio  Yes  
pagestatus  No  
confluence-information-plugin  No  
jira-jqlQuery  No  Migration to the XWiki JIRA macro, which is already capable to execute JQL queries
ui-step  No  
ui-steps  No  
multimedia  Yes  
tasklist  Yes  
html  Yes  in some instances macro call is html-macro
survey  No  
markdown  No  
tooltip  No  
spreadsheets  No  
gallery  Yes  
vote  No  
hideelements-macro  No  
scroll-exportbutton  No  
unmigrated-inline-wiki-markup  No  
mathblock  Yes  
scroll-pagebreak  No  
toc-zone  No  
incoming-links  No  
htmlcomment  No  
insight-objects-macro  No  
linkgraph  No  
dbbox  No  
report-info  No  
report-table  No  
timestamp  No  
pageapproval  No  
scroll-pagetitle  No  
scroll-tablelayout  No  
auiprogress  No  
auiprogressstepstatic  No  
get-metadata  No  
favpages  No  
loremipsum  No  
polls  No  
add-label  No  
contributors-summary  No  
profile  Yes  
mockup  No  
scroll-landscape  No  
add-page-form  No  
shared-block  No  
scroll-imagemap  No  
json-from-table  No  
add-page  No  
lucidchart  No  
multivote  No  
table-plus  Partial  
center  No  Migrate to XWiki syntax.
rw-search  No  
scroll-only  No  
metadata  No  
user-macro  No  
tel  No  
oitlogo  No  
link-to  No  
scroll-title  No  
jiraissues  No  
list-permitted-users-macro  No  
workflowreport  No  
sharelinks-urlmacro  No  
scroll-portrait  No  
search  No  
unit  No  
card  No  Re-use the existing tabs macro
deck  No  Re-use the existing tabs macro
wireframe  No  
rss  No  
tr  No  Migrate to XWiki syntax
ui-children-cards  No  
pagebreak  No  
tableplus  No  
link-window  No  
plantumlrender  No  
conditionalcontent  No  
auimessage  No  
metadata-from  No  
flowchart  No  
auibutton  No  
th  No  Migrate to XWiki syntax
sv-translation  No  
topusers  No  
include-shared-block-inline  No  
questionslist-macro  No  
inc-drawio  No  
span  No  Macro to generate wiki syntax
globaltimeline  No  
include-shared-block  No  
discussion-information-box  No  
discussion-contributors  No  
childtabs  No  
discussion-list  No  
redirect  No  
latex  No  
lastmod  No  Equivalent to recently updated macro
portfolio-for-jira-plan  No  
usage  No  
spaceaccessusersminimal  No  
space-attachments  No  
countdown  No  
recently-updated-dashboard  No  "legacy macro" according to confluence docs, which seems to recommend the "recently updated macro" instead
collapsible-panel  No  
join-event  No  
join-event  No  
playsql-query  No  
choose-label  No  
english  No  
scroll-ignore-inline  No  
pocketquery  No  
tbd  No  
cql-search  No  
italian  No  
page-info  No  
pageactivity  No  
img  No  Migrate to XWiki syntax
highlight  No  
pagetreecreator-button  No  
csv  No  
progress-bar  No  
index  No  
pagetreecreator-default-value  No  
csv-table  No  
align  No  
alert  No  
json-table  Partial  
mermaid-macro  No  
visio  No  
button  No  
spacegraph  No  
talk  No  
spaces  No  
popular  No  
iframe  No  Migrate to XWiki syntax + HTML macro
excel  No  
divbox  No  Could be translated to standard wiki syntax
miro  No  Advanced embed : possibility to define how to display Miro drawings
viewfile  Yes  
cheese  No  
scroll-office-ignore  No  
new-anchorpage  No  
scroll-content-block  No  
related-labels  No  
contact-qr-code  No  
fancy-bullets  No  
auibuttongroup  No  
create-page  No  
ancestor-labels  No  
viedpdf  No  
space-breadcrumbs  No  
discussion-summary  No  
metadata-report  No  
discussion-space-contributors  No  
space-metadata  No  
aui-tab-group  No  
handy-tip  No  
ptc-template-properties-macro  No  
excerpt-includeplus  No  
upcoming-events  No  
localtab  No  
parent-link  No  
html-include  No  
localtabgroup  No  
creation-infos  No  
event-calendar  No  
content-by-user  No  
scroll-pdf-ignore  No  
roundrect  No  Migrate to XWiki syntax
pagetreecreator-multi-button  No  
pre  No  
cloak  No  Re-use the existing show/hide macro
toggle-cloak  No  Re-use the existing show/hide macro
link-page  No  
attachment-table  No  
talk-report  No  
math  No  
handy-carousel  No  
auidialog  No  
spaceaccessusers  No  
tabs-group  No  
tab-pane  No  
document-states-report  No  
include-version  No  
alias  No  
handy-post-organizer  No  
horizontal-nav-group  No  
horizontal-nav-item  No  
nav-group-advanced  No  
nav-item-advanced  No  
lozenge  No  
ui-image  No  
google-calendar  No  
mathdisplay  No  
network  No  
ptc-tag-description  No  
recently-used-labels  No  
tracking-info  No  
includeplus  No  
plantumlreader  No  
spreadsheet-table  No  
child-counter  No  
version-history  No  
space-details  No  
scroll-office-only  No  
mathblock-ref  No  
search-box  No  
ptc-template-page-properties-macro  No  
priority1  No  
rw-users  No  
clickable  No  
question-answer-list-macro  No  
scroll-office-only-inline  No  
imagemap  No  
checkbox-list  No  
confluence-button  No  
include-children  No  
scroll-pdf-only  No  
create-space-button  No  
latex-formatting  No  
map  No  
priority2  No  
checkbox  No  
german  No  
auihorizontalnavpage  No  
handy-reminder  No  
im  No  
markdown-from-url  No  
page-status  No  
confluence-open-api  No  
database-structure  No  
document-stats-report  No  
sv-pagetree  No  
scroll-only-inline  No  
priority3  No  
recently-updated-dashboard-category  No  
rw-pagetree  No  
rw-news  No  
navitabs  No  
global-reports  No  
flowchartrender  No  
scroll-bookmark  No  
orpheaned-links  No  
metadata-values  No  
timeline-template  No  
zeiterfassung  No  
confiform  No  
confiform-value  No  
ptc-jira  No  
listallgroups  No  
mugshot-gallery  No  
pageapproval-report  No  
space-metadata-list  No  
metadata-list  No  
noprint  No  
ui-children  No  
pagetitle  No  
page-view-macro  No  
vertical-nav-group  No  
vertical-nav-item  No  
sp-infobulle  No  
scroll-indexterm  No  
scroll-office-index-term  No  
scroll-office-ignore-inline  No  
workflow-reporter  No  
metadata-calculate  No  
database-info  No  
playsql-chart  No  
vbcp-macro  No  
confiform-entry-register  No  
course-list  No  
format-text  No  
page-permissions  No  
scroll-to-top  No  
gatracking  No  
space-news  No  
rw-users-space  No  
rw-favpages  No  
spaceadmins  No  
childrenbylabel  No  
surveydisplay  No  
french  No  
japanese  No  
increment-metadata  No  
space-metadata-from  No  
metadata-table  No  
atlassian  companion  
diagramly  No  
subpages  No  Equivalent to children macro
wiki-markup  No  
rate  No  
aui-pages-by-label-tab  No  
searchandsortbydate  No  
contributor  No  
ptc-jira-automation  No  
bibtex-display  No  
tbody  No  
userloginlist  No  
space_administrators  No  
labeltabs  No  
canadian-en  No  
lock-content-macro  No  
currency-converter  No  
view-generic-group-rule-execution-logs  No  
view-export-rule-execution-logs  No  
handy-post-organizer-content  No  
chinese  No  
english-us  No  
layout  Yes  
td  No  Migrate to XWiki syntax
composition-setup  No  Cannot be migrated. Specific to the Composition extension
float  No  Migrate to XWiki syntax
jira-chart  No  
banner  No  
showcase  No  
show-card  No  
bibtex-reference  No  
getbitbucketadmins  No  
getitrackusers  No  
jql-table  No  
lastupdateddate  No  
mathjax-block-macro  No  
mathjax-inline-macro  No  
monthcalendar  No  
prezi  No  
privacy-mark  No  
rest-table  No  
table-enhancer  No  
wasdalink  No  
database-query-compact  No  
csv-export  No  
google-map  No  
tableenhancer  No  
dynamic_checkboxes  No  
signature  No  
graphity  No  
confluence_gallery  No  
enhanced-profile  No  
umgebungsliste-vvp  No  
members-page-disclaimer  No  
activeusers  No  
mail-form  No  
subspaces  No  
text-data  No  
list-data  No  
date-data  No  
number-data  No  
user-options  No  
list-option  No  
attachment-data  No  
label-options  No  
report-column  No  
local-reporter  No  
text-sort  No  
report-empty  No  
checklist-wiki  No  
checklist-excerpt  No  
checklist-label  No  
easy-dropdown-menu-predefined  No  
easy-dropdown-menu  No  
/ shortcut  No  
pdfpagebreak  No  
odoo-connect  No  
forecast  No  
popular-pages  No  
tagcloud  No  Cloud of Tags XWiki alternative
getcustomername  No  
getsalesopportunity  No  
getusername  No  
unitube  No  
requirement  No  
requirement-baseline  No  
requirement-property  No  
requirement-report  No  
requirement-report-pages  No  
jira-confluence-issue-field-macro  No  
jira-confluence-issue-macro  No  
chart-plugin  No  
hautonumheadmacro  No  
listables  No  
leanix-widget  No  
folder-attachments  No  
sa-page-version  No  
html-macro  No  
cnfl-code-snippet  No  
lref-onedrive-embedded-file  No  
lref-onedrive-files-list  No  
decisionreport  No  
lref-onedrive-file  No  
simple-qa-export-view  No  
simple-qa-overview  No  
hover  No  
multiexcerpt-macro  No  
multiexcerpt-enhanced-permissions  No  
multiexcerpt-include-macro  No  
markdown-url  No  
markdown-attachment  No  
css-class  No  
css-style  No  
marked  No  
drawio-sketch  No  Editor with a custom skin
show-if  No  
hide-if  No  
viewport-redirect  No  
viewport-url-redirect  No  
viewtracker  No  
recently-viewed  No  
viewtracker-report  No  
mail-input  No  
responses-table  No  
checkbox-button-group  No  
mail-date-picker  No  
hide  No  
sql-query  No  
sql  No  
cache  No  
future  No  
table-data  No  
hidden-data  No  
um_relatedcontentbylabel  No  
aui-button  No  
um_signuplist  No  
um_space_viewers  No  
um_group_userinfo_table  No  
um_siblingtabs  No  
um_reloadnsec  No  
um_child_tabs  No  
um_linktosiblings  No  
um_group-permissions  No  
um_user-permissions  No  
removewatchesforuser  No  
um_user_group_individual_permissions  No  
um_include_child_pages  No  
content-reporter  No  
date-sort  No  
report-block  No  
report-body  No  
report-image  No  
repeat-filter  No  
date-filter  No  
text-filter  No  
grouping-reporter  No  
user-reporter  No  
report-on  No  
content-filter  No  
issue  No  
report  No  
button-handy  No  
easy-dropdown-menu  No  
aura-divider  No  
tabs-group  No  
tab-pane  No  
horizontal-nav-item  No  
horizontal-nav-group  No  
vertical-nav-group  No  
vertical-nav-item  No  
progress-bar  No  
tableenhancer  No  
text-area  No  
radio-buttons  No  
check-box  No  
pulse-button  No  
includeplus  No  
excerpt-includeplus  No  
hide-if  No  
ui-text-box  No  
ui-expand  No  
customcss  No  
confiform-table  No  
confiform-list  No  
confiform-card  No  
confiform-calendar  No  
confiform-table-merger  No  
confiform-field  No  
sp-macro-panels  No  
progress-bar-advanced  No  
tabs-tabsgroup  No  
task-report-macro  No  
gu-blognavigation  No  
gu-language-dropdown  No  
gu-spaceadmin  No  
st  No  
status-list  No  
users-report  No  
admin-report-plugins-usage-full  No  
all-space-admins  No  
gu-language-dropdowns  No  
gu-tear-off-calendar  No  
mail-clear  No  
mail-label  No  
bv-blogtree  No  
easy-dropdown-menu-edit-mode  No  
gu-space-logo  No  
mail-submit  No  
mail-success  No  
mt-dashboard-helper  No  
mt-user-page-stats  No  
list-all-users  No  
mttopusers  No  
bv-random-user-list  No  
gu-dropdowns  No  
mt-likes  No  
mt-who-read-what-page  No  
label-picker  No  
mail-textarea  No  
mt-content-not-edited-in-days  No  
mt-content-by-user-by-days  No  
bv-favpages-box  No  
junitreport  No  
sp-link  No  
bv-quicklink-wrapper  No  
bv-top-likes  No  
group-permissions  No  
gu-button-add  No  
gu-dropdown  No  
gu-loremipsum  No  
spacejump  No  
gu-attachmentlist  No  
gu-tabs  No  
mt-enable-numbered-headings  No  
sp-list  No  
bv-recently-updated-box  No  
gu-blog-posts  No  
mt-disable-numbered-headings  No  
top-stories  No  
gu-css-helper  No  
gu-rotatingimage  No  
disable-numbered-headings  No  
gu-tab  No  
gu-block  No  
gu-button-theme  No  
bv-quicklink  No  
mt-survey  No  
mt-expandable-toc  No  
gu-menu  No  

Installation Steps

This paid extensions requires XWiki 13.10 or above. In order to install the extension, follow the next steps inside your XWiki instance (on cloud or on premise).

Navigate to the Extension Manager

In the Applications Panel click on "More Applications..." and then "Install new applications...". Alternatively navigate directly to the Administration and select the "Extensions" section.


Install the Extension

Search for the extension you wish to install and use the Install button to install it.


Get a License

Navigate to the "Licenses" section of the Administration, fill your details, look for the extension you just installed in the live table and click the buttons to get a trial license or to buy a license.


Install the License

If you have selected a trial license then you're good and there's nothing else to do. Your trial license is automatically installed.

However if you've selected to buy a license you'll be redirected to a page to perform the payment. At the end you need to come back to the "Licenses" administration section and click on the "Check for Updates" button. This will download and apply the license you bought.

Use the Extension

Start using the Extension! Refer to the extension's documentation to know how to use it.

Installing Paid Apps on Subwikis

If you want to install an application on the whole farm (main wiki + subwikis), you can do so directly from the main wiki’s Extension Manager, as seen below:


Extensions can also be installed only on a particular subwiki by global admins. Subwiki admins will not be able to install these extensions due to their limited rights.


The price is per year and varies depending on the support level and the number of users.

Support / Users 10 25 50 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000 10000 20000
Pro Macros is part of the XWiki Pro package. Purchasing this package you will benefit from more extensions at a better price. Check the full offer in XWiki Pro! The Pro Macros can be purchased individually only via online order (credit card payment), following the “How to Buy” procedure described below. The application is part of the XWiki Pro package, which can be purchased through manual order (bank transfer payment) by contacting


What do you get when you purchase an XWiki extension?

1 year license

By purchasing an XWiki extension license, you'll benefit from it during one year.

Free updates

You benefit from all the extension updates during one year. You are always up to date.

Support included

If you are facing an issue, you can reach the XWiki support. Our team is always available to help.

How to Buy

To buy, install this extension from inside your XWiki instance and follow the instructions.

Release notes


  • #250: Add Search Location Macro as an optional dependency to Pro Macros


  • #249: Better resolution for reference parameters in pagetree and recently-updated


PDF Viewer dependency upgrade  to version 2.5.4.


  • #238: Recently Updated doesn't handle space characters in the space name
  • #237: Recently updated macro gives out XWikiDateTool error in the logs
  • #213: The panel macro cuts off content that is too wide
  • #208: Columns don't provide a WYSIWYG experience in edit mode


  • #232: Allow block macros in the Expand macro


  • #231: pagetree does not always point to the correct location
  • #223: Weird characters preventing Expand from being installed on some setups


  • #222: Support .macro-section and .macro-layout-section.single



  • #211: The icon of inner Expand macro changes into collapse when collapsing the outer

New features:

  • #220: Create a confluence_children macro



  • #191: Real content hidden due to hiding auto-cursor-target class



  • #199: Excerpt-Include macro does not create backlinks on migration
  • #215: Expand isn't transparent

New features:

  • #216: Support background / highlight colors
  • #217: Work around empty paragraphs artifacts of the Confluence WYSIWYG editor


Bug fixes:

  • #190 Excerpt-include macro does not display images from excerpt
  • #192 The excerpt-include macro is named Excerpt


  • #212 Upgrade Licensor dependency to version 1.25


Bug fixes:

  • #197 User cannot open second Expand macro containing display macro call if first page reference contains a page that also uses the Expand macro
  • #209 Recently Updated macro does not load when there is a comment on a child page that contains special characters [ or ] in its title
  • #178 Recently Updated macro returns no results if a space was provided by name


Bug fixes:

  • #180 Some macros are not working on XWiki 15.5 and higher
  • #193 The PageTree Confluence bridge macro's root parameter is incorrectly mandatory


Bug fixes:

  • #187 Mathinline uses MathJax's display mode instead of inline



  • #185 Slowness due to the presence of mathjax-latex
  • We excluded unneeded latex-related extensions from the dependencies so they don't get installed and cause issues.


New features:

  • #184 Implement the mathinline, mathblock and mathblock-ref Confluence bridge Macros


  • #170 Installation logs of Extension Manager display warning related to unknown property
  • #181 Float for user avatar is not cleared in the Userlist Macro's responsive mode


New features:

  • #107 Create the pagetree bridge macro
  • #26 Implement the Excerpt Include confluence bridge macro
  • #106 Create the contributors bridge macro


  • #175 Replace deprecated method $mathtool.toNumber with $numbertool.toNumber in Content Report Table Macro
  • #122 [userprofile] blurry user profile pictures

Bugs fixed:

  • #171 The Tip macro is missing a description
  • #177 The Layout macros are missing descriptions
  • #46 Content Report Table Macro - Spaces aren't kept in the pages migrated from Confluence to XWiki
  • #39 Improve the Multimedia Macro parameters
  • #174 Unused att- -filename parameter in Layout cell macro


  • #179 Upgrade Licensor dependency to version 1.24.3


Bugs fixed:

  • #142 Errors appear in the wiki console when adding the Recently Updated macro


  • #148 Recently Updated macro: improvements to layout


Fixes and improvements:

  • #108 Create the profile-picture macro
  • #78 Depend on Diagram Pro
  • #116 Make user list responsive
  • #114 Deduplicate users in the userList macro
  • #163 Add support for the time macro
  • #65 Add the Parameters column and translate the names in the Status macro description



  • #165 The Recently Updated macro is not filtering properly on spaces


  • Improve macro parameter escaping


Bugs fixed:

  • #135 The "<" symbol causes issues in the title
  • #136 File isn't shown when it contains a comma in the title
  • #138 File that has special chars in title can't be played 
  • #143 The "Show more" button of the Recently Updated macro does nothing after editing
  • #147 Unable to add the Recently Updated macro from the WYSIWYG editor
  • #149 The Recently Updated Macro shows hidden pages

Regressions fixed:

  • #131 [Regression] The attachments list is not displayed on XWiki 14.4.3 (error loading data)
  • #132 [Regression] It's not possible to upload new files with the attachments macro anymore
  • #153 [Regression] Missing actions for the "Attachments" macro 


  • PDF Viewer Macro dependency to version 2.5.2


Bugs fixed:

  • #118 "column" macro should work without content.
  • #140 The avatars show with different size
  • #160 UserList macro fires a NullPointerException due to conflict on WikiDescriptorManager field


Bugs fixed:

  • #151 Recently Updated Macro displays an error on pages with different locales


Bugs fixed:

  • #144 Link not converted well when used within note macro
  • #146 UserList and UserProfile macros work without license


Bugs fixed:

  • #124 The example usage on the attachments macro page (Confluence.Macros.Attachments) is using the old name of the attachments macro
  • #126 Inline rendering converted into block
  • #129 Upgrade parent to 13.10-3

Tasks done:

  • #133 Upgrade parent to 13.10-3

Upgraded licensing version to 1.24.1.


Bugs fixed:

  • #125 In UserList macro, the parameter for setting a fixed layout is not taken into account


New features:

  • #88 Create the "userlister" macro
  • #90 User list macro: Allow to pick a group to display the users

Bugs fixed:

  • #112 Adapt the attachments macro to the new livetable attachments view
  • #113 The content of the columns from stacked user lists is not aligned



  • #119 Add text wrapping option for MS Stream macro

Bugs fixed:

  • #110 Add warning when adding macros without a license


New Features:

  • #84 Create the "recently-updated" macro
  • #85 Create the "Expand" bridge macro


Bugs fixed:

  • #99 Diagram is empty after conversion from drawio


New Features:

  • #82 Create the "Attachments" macro
  • #73 Create a Confluence bridge macro for Microsoft Stream Macro


Improvements on the Team macro:

  • Fix usernames not being shown
  • Support subwikis through the scope parameter
  • Fix links, which now point to the user profiles


New Macro:

  • Team, to show the avatars of a team
  • User List, to display a custom list of users with their avatar and properties
  • User Profile, to display a user card

Support for new Confluence Macros:

  • Drawio
  • Tip


New Features:
#64 Create a button macro
#69 Develop a Microsoft Stream macro

<p>Update the PDF Viewer dependency version to 2.4
Update the Licensing dependency version to 1.22.1


Update the PDF Viewer dependency version to 2.3.3
Update the Licensing dependency version to 1.22


Update the licensor and PDF Viewer versions.


Update parent version to 11.10.

Extension details

This information is only displayed to Administrators. Your users can't see this tab.


  • GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1




  • xar

Developed by


  • Requires XWiki 13.10 or above.

Installable with the Extension Manager


  • 1.17.0
  • com.xwiki.licensing:application-licensing-licensor-api 1.25
  • org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-office-ui 13.10
  • com.xwiki.pdfviewer:macro-pdfviewer-ui 2.5.4
  • org.xwiki.contrib:macro-jwplayer-ui 2.1.10
  • org.xwiki.contrib.mathjax:macro-mathjax-ui 1.0.5
  • org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-rendering-wikimacro-store 13.10
  • com.xwiki.diagram:application-diagram 1.20.1
  • org.xwiki.contrib:location-search-macro 1.2
Tags: XWiki Pro
Created by Silvia Macovei on 2021/07/28 15:43
XWiki SAS Copyright © 2024