PDF Viewer Macro (Pro)

Version 259.3 by Alex Cotiugă on 2019/02/05 18:26

PDF Viewer Macro (Pro)

This macro allows to view PDF files attached to XWiki page right inside the XWiki page.

Active Installs101
0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1

The PDF Viewer Macro allows users to load and view PDF files inside a wiki page. The Viewer supports a double full screen mode: first going full screen in your browser and then going full screen on your computer if your browser supports that mode. The PDF location could be the current wiki page, another wiki page or an external URL.


Below are described the parameters of the PDF Viewer Macro that need be used in order to define the way a PDF file is displayed in a wiki page.

NamePretty nameMandatory?DefaultDescription
asauthorDelegate my view rightcancel0If this value is true (or 1 or yes) and the viewing user has no access to the document containing the PDF file, the PDF file could still be viewed on behalf of your view right (as long as you have view right on the containing document obviously).
documentDocumentcancelcurrent documentReference to the XWiki document to which the file is attached (e.g. xwiki:Path.To.Document). The xwiki: part can be ignored if the file is located in the current wiki). If file argument is an absolute URL, this argument is ignored.
fileFileacceptN/AName or the absolute URL of the PDF file.
heightHeightcancel1000The viewer height, accepts values in pixels or in percentage.
widthWidthcancel100%The viewer width, accepts values in pixels or in percentage.

Using the macro from WYSIWYG editor

Edit a wiki page in WYSIWYG mode and look in the tool bar for the icon (XWiki Macro), search for PDF Viewer Macro and fill in the parameters values. 

Using the macro from wiki editor (code)

PDF file attached to a wiki page

{{pdfviewer file="gsoc.pdf" document="dev:GoogleSummerOfCode.WebHome" asauthor="1" height="900" width="80%"/}}

PDF accessed from an external resource via URL

{{pdfviewer file="http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/GoogleSummerOfCode/gsoc.pdf" /}}


Display multiple PDF files in the same page using a tab system layout

Add more PDF files, separated by comma.

{{pdfviewer file="TLSanalysis.pdf,H-MSD2018.pdf"/}}




This section is currently empty.

Installation Steps

This paid extensions requires XWiki 11.10 or above. In order to install the extension, follow the next steps inside your XWiki instance (on cloud or on premise).

Navigate to the Extension Manager

In the Applications Panel click on "More Applications..." and then "Install new applications...". Alternatively navigate directly to the Administration and select the "Extensions" section.


Install the Extension

Search for the extension you wish to install and use the Install button to install it.


Get a License

Navigate to the "Licenses" section of the Administration, fill your details, look for the extension you just installed in the live table and click the buttons to get a trial license or to buy a license.


Install the License

If you have selected a trial license then you're good and there's nothing else to do. Your trial license is automatically installed.

However if you've selected to buy a license you'll be redirected to a page to perform the payment. At the end you need to come back to the "Licenses" administration section and click on the "Check for Updates" button. This will download and apply the license you bought.

Use the Extension

Start using the Extension! Refer to the extension's documentation to know how to use it.

Installing Paid Apps on Subwikis

If you want to install an application on the whole farm (main wiki + subwikis), you can do so directly from the main wiki’s Extension Manager, as seen below:


Extensions can also be installed only on a particular subwiki by global admins. Subwiki admins will not be able to install these extensions due to their limited rights.


The price is per year and varies depending on the support level and the number of users.

Support / Users 10 25 50 100 250 500 1000 2500 5000 10000 20000
PDF Viewer Macro (Pro) is part of the XWiki Pro package. Purchasing this package you will benefit from more extensions at a better price. Check the full offer in XWiki Pro! The PDF Viewer Macro (Pro) can be purchased individually only via online order (credit card payment), following the “How to Buy” procedure described below. The application is part of the XWiki Pro package, which can be purchased through manual order (bank transfer payment) by contacting sales@xwiki.com.


What do you get when you purchase an XWiki extension?

1 year license

By purchasing an XWiki extension license, you'll benefit from it during one year.

Free updates

You benefit from all the extension updates during one year. You are always up to date.

Support included

If you are facing an issue, you can reach the XWiki support. Our team is always available to help.

How to Buy

To buy, install this extension from inside your XWiki instance and follow the instructions.

Release notes


Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.13.2.


#5 Display several PDF files using a tab system layout.


Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.13.


Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.12.2.


Update the Licensing dependency to version 1.12.1.


Improve the message displayed when there is no valid license.


Initial paid version.

Extension details

This information is only displayed to Administrators. Your users can't see this tab.


  • GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1




  • xar

Developed by


  • Requires XWiki 8.4 or above.

Installable with the Extension Manager


  • com.xwiki.licensing:application-licensing-licensor-api 1.13.2
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