Analytics Application (Pro)
Category | Application |
Active Installs | 0 |
Rating | |
License | GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1 |
Minimal XWiki version supported | XWiki 14.10 |
Sources | Issues |
Discover unique insights to help you better understand the usage of your instance. Streamline and improve internal processes by having full visibility on the most viewed pages. Understand how you can help your teams boost productivity by using real-time statistics.
The Home Page of the application can be accessed using the applications panel, by clicking Analytics, or find the Analytics application in the three overview.
External Resources
Setup Process
In order to use the Analytics Application you must setup your own Matomo server, on premise or in their Cloud. For XWiki Cloud Demos, a trial Matomo server will be provided by XWiki SAS for testing purposes.
Once you have your Matomo server, go to your XWiki instance, navigate to the 'Administer Wiki' tab, select 'Other', and then choose the Analytics option. Upon opening the page, you will be presented with the following menu:
- Tracking code: This is the JavaScript code that handles the collection of data. A very basic example looks like this:
var _paq = window._paq = window._paq || [];
/* Tracker methods like "setCustomDimension" should be called before "trackPageView" */
(function() {
_paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u + 'matomo.php']);
_paq.push(['setSiteId', ID_OF_THE_WEBSITE]);
var d = document, g = d.createElement('script'), s = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
g.async = true; g.src = u + 'other_string'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
- Authentication token: This token gives the user permission to view data inside the XWiki instance. If the token is omitted but the tracking code is provided, the instance will be tracked, but all macros will be empty and will produce an error, also the token must permit GET request for the app to work properly(disable security requests only).
- Site ID: This is crucial for identifying the correct website. IT MUST BE THE SAME AS THE ONE SPECIFIED IN THE TRACKING CODE.
- Request Address: This is the address of the Matomo instance and MUST MATCH THE ADDRESS SPECIFIED IN THE TRACKING CODE.
After pressing the save button, you will be prompted with a message that will either confirm success or report an error. In case of an error, before attempting to modify the fields, go to the homepage of the app and check if the macros are displayed. If the macros are displayed and you can see data within them, this means that the authentication token, site ID, and request address are correct. The warning message might originate from the tracking code, but it is not guaranteed because sometimes Matomo does not sync the data immediately.
Viewing the Macros:
By default, the app is available only to the admin group, but viewing rights can be granted to normal users. To grant viewing rights, an admin must go to the homepage of the app and add the viewing rights for the page and its children for the user/group.
Where available, click on the "Evolution" column icon in order to see details on each entry.
The app includes a default dashboard that can be modified to meet your needs. You can also create new dashboards using the dashboard macro and by adding analytics macros to it.
All the macros, with the exception of the filtering macros, have two parameters: the starting date and the end date of the interval for which the statistics are calculated.
Perhaps the most important macro, it lets us set the time interval for all the other macros inside a page, overwriting the macro parameters.
Browser Engines
This report shows your visitors' browsers broken down into browser engines.
This report contains information about what kind of browser your visitors were using.
This report shows the most common overall configurations that your visitors had. A configuration is the combination of an operating system, a browser type and a screen resolution.
This report shows the number of visitors from each country in the set period of time.
Device Brand
This report shows the brands / manufacturers of the devices your visitors were using. In most cases this information is only available for non-desktop devices.
Device Model
This report shows the devices your visitors are using. Each model is displayed combined with the device brand as some model names are used by multiple brands.
Device Type
This report shows the types of devices your visitors were using. This report will always show all device types Matomo is able to detect, even if there were no visits with a specific type.
Entry Pages
This report contains information about the entry pages that were used during the specified period. An entry page is the first page that a user views during their visit.
Exit Pages
This report contains information about the exit pages that occurred during the specified period. An exit page is the last page that a user views during their visit.
Most Viewed Pages
This report contains information about the most viewed pages.
Operating Systems Versions
This report shows you the operating systems your visitors are using. Each version and distribution is shown separately.
Pages Following a Site Search
When visitors search on your website, they are looking for a particular page, content, product, or service. This report lists the pages that were clicked the most after an internal search. In other words, the list of pages the most searched for by visitors already on your website. To make this macro work, you need to modify the tracking code. You can find some instructions here.
Returning Visits Over Time
This is an overview of the returning visits. It is broken down into various reports, which are displayed at the bottom of the macro.
Screen Resolution
This report shows the screen resolutions your visitors used when viewing your website.
Search Categories
This report lists the Categories that visitors selected when they made a Search on your website.
Site Search Keywords
This report lists the Search Keywords that visitors searched for on your internal Search Engine.
Visits Overview
This is an overview of the visit evolution.
Possible issues
If some entries do not have a link to a page and have "Others" in the title, you can modify the Matomo configuration according to this page.
This application provides support for integrating Matomo with XWiki and displaying within XWiki analytics on the usage of the wiki instance. For support on configuring Matomo please refer to the dedicated documentation.
Installation Steps
This paid extensions requires XWiki 14.10 or above. In order to install the extension, follow the next steps inside your XWiki instance (on cloud or on premise).
Navigate to the Extension Manager
In the Applications Panel click on "More Applications..." and then "Install new applications...". Alternatively navigate directly to the Administration and select the "Extensions" section.
Install the Extension
Search for the extension you wish to install and use the Install button to install it.
Get a License
Navigate to the "Licenses" section of the Administration, fill your details, look for the extension you just installed in the live table and click the buttons to get a trial license or to buy a license.
Install the License
If you have selected a trial license then you're good and there's nothing else to do. Your trial license is automatically installed.
However if you've selected to buy a license you'll be redirected to a page to perform the payment. At the end you need to come back to the "Licenses" administration section and click on the "Check for Updates" button. This will download and apply the license you bought.
Use the Extension
Start using the Extension! Refer to the extension's documentation to know how to use it.
Installing Paid Apps on Subwikis
If you want to install an application on the whole farm (main wiki + subwikis), you can do so directly from the main wiki’s Extension Manager, as seen below:
Extensions can also be installed only on a particular subwiki by global admins. Subwiki admins will not be able to install these extensions due to their limited rights.
The price is per year and varies depending on the support level and the number of users.
Support / Users | 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 | 1000 | 2500 | 5000 | 10000 | 20000 |
Silver |
What do you get when you purchase an XWiki extension?
1 year license
By purchasing an XWiki extension license, you'll benefit from it during one year.
Free updates
You benefit from all the extension updates during one year. You are always up to date.
Support included
If you are facing an issue, you can reach the XWiki support. Our team is always available to help.
How to Buy
To buy, install this extension from inside your XWiki instance and follow the instructions.
Release notes
Fixed bugs:
- #108 Returning visits over time and Visits overview macro - Month and Year selections show no results
New features:
- #102 Add a last seen widget
- #109 Improve the display of tooltips on XWiki 16.4.x
Added the ability to disable the tracking feature.
Initial version.
Extension details
- GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
- xar
Developed by
- Requires XWiki 14.10 or above.
- com.xwiki.licensing:application-licensing-licensor-api 1.25
- 1.2.0
- org.xwiki.contrib:application-chartjs-webjar 1.6.3