Cookie Consent Setup

Last modified by Marius Dumitru Florea on 2024/12/03 19:16

This extension allows to setup a GDPR compatible consent screen for cookies and trackers. This will allow you to ask for your user's consent to activate or not the usage of cookies or trackers depending on different types of tools:

  • necessary: necessary cookies which are mandatory and cannot be disabled
  • preferences: preferences cookies or trackers which are optional and enabled by default but used only to remember your preferences
  • statistics: statistics related cookies or trackers which are optional and enabled by default and user to record anonymous statistics
  • marketing: marketing or other related cookies or trackers which are optional and disabled by default and can record personal information
Background color
Foreground color
Button text

I accept all Cookies

Configuration Button Text


Disclaimer 1

This site uses cookies to improve your browsing experience, to perform analytics and for advertising. By clicking I accept all Cookies you agree to the use of cookies on your device. If you'd like to change your preferences please visit the Cookie Policy page.

Disclaimer 2

This site uses cookies to improve your browsing experience, to perform analytics and for advertising. By registering your choice of cookies and clicking OK you agree to the use of those cookies on your device. If you'd like to change your preferences please visit the Cookie Policy page.

Necessary Info Box

Necessary cookies which are mandatory and cannot be disabled

Preferences Info Box

Preferences cookies or trackers which are optional and enabled by default but used only to remember your preferences.

Statistics Info Box

Statistics related cookies or trackers which are optional and enabled by default and user to record anonymous statistics

Marketing Info Box

Marketing or other related cookies or trackers which are optional and disabled by default and can record personal information

Preferences Scripts

Statistics Scripts

Marketing Scripts

Modify the "necessary" label

Modify the "preference" label

Modify the "statistics" label

Modify the "marketing" label

Current user accepted cookies
Unknown macro: gdprSettings. Click on this message for details.

Trigger pop-up manually

For creating a link/button to open the cookie pop-up manually all it takes is to add the id ResetCookies to the clickable element, for example:

{{html}}<a href="#" id='ResetCookies'>Cookie options</a>{{/html}}

Preview: Cookie options